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News & Updates
Nicolas Turcot marries Maddy Bell
By | 9/5/2024
Nicolas, the son of Andrea Keyserlingk and grandson of Michaela Keyserlingk married Madison Bell in Montreal on August 31, 2024. Maddy is a teacher in Montreal.  Nicolas and Maddy left in their R...................
Veronica Turcot gives birth to a son.
By | 7/20/2024
Veronica Turcot, daughter of Andrea Keyserlingk, and Veronicas spouse Pierre Luc Murray-Decarie are the proud parents of their first son, Theo Henri Michel Decarie. He was born in Gatineau, Quebec on ...................
Keyserlingk.info website about to reach 30 million hits.
By | 7/19/2024
If you look at the bottom right of the home page of family website, Keyserlingk.info, you will see the small counter. It is about to hit 30 million. I have no idea of how many are individual visitors ...................
Family Events
4 ..Family reunion 2014 in Potsdam, Berlin,Germany
Diedrich Keyserlingk made arrangements for a family reunion which took place in Potsdam, Berlin,Germany on the week-end of September 27th, 2014. A big Danke to Armgard and Diedrich for organizing the family meeting. It was the first family reunion since the one in Canada in 2004. It was a great event at which some 50 family members attended along with some 20 young children. There were 3 generations represented there. There were also several cousins who no longer carry the Keyserlingk name but who are still our real cousins. I attended the meetings with my wife Monique and we enjoyed seeing the cousins again. There are some 200 pictures which can be seen by logging into this site and going to my (Sander Keyserlingk)personal card. The URL can be seen in the address section of my card. Diedrich has prepared a very elegant written summary of the meetings (in German) with lots of nice pictures which is now available. Sander, May 2015.
Test New Re-union-Added by Shekar
Test New Re-union
Family Reunion, August 2004, Labelle, Quebec, Canada
This was the first Keyserlingk family reunion ever held in North America. Almost 100 members attended the 3 day meeting which brought together many cousins from Europe, Africa and North America. A report on the event can be seen in the News section of the website, written by Alfred Keyserlingk of Dresden. Some pictures can be seen:https://plus.google.com/photos/107923363810248771461/albums/5560046212243297361?authkey=CKjfx7W8u5j1fA Sander
3....Baltic Heraldry Expostion , Rundale, Latvia, 2003
A major Baltic heraldry exposition was held from May to November 2003 in the castle of Rundale in southern Latvia. The castle formerly belonged to the Biron family and was known as Ruhental. The castle and its beautiful gardens have been almost completely restored to their original splendor. The exposition had some 1500 objects on display from various museums as well as from private collections in Germany. There were a number of items related to Keyerlingks including the orginal document granting the Keyserlingks the title of Count. My wife Brigitte, my brother Bob and I visted the exposition in October . You can see some pictures I took of the expostion at the website: www.ofoto.com/I.jsp?c=heyfy4z.3nkt0233&x=1&y=-4gnufk. I have also posted the opening speech given by Dieter von Samson-Himmelstejerna and an article about the exposition written by Monika von Hirschheydt which appeared in the "Nachrichtenblatt der Balitischen Ritterschaft" of September 2003. You can see these documents by clicking on the title of this item and then on the "Information Center".
2.... Keyserling Seminar, September,18-21, 2003 in Tartu, Estonia
The Estonian Goethe Association, the Estonian Science Academy and and the Institute for German Languge and Litterature at the Goethe University of Frankfurt organized a symposium in Tartu, Estonia around the works of 3 Keyserlings born in Estonia. These were Hermann (philosopher), Eduard (writer) and Alexander ( entomologist, see the article on him in "Stories" section of the website). I have now posted over 150 pictures I took during the trip in Estonia and Latvia. You can see them by going to the link shown below. If you prefer you can log in using any name you wish. It was a very interesting event for the 7 Keyserlingks who attended and we all learnt a lot about the family. It also gave my wife Brigitte, my brother Bob and me a chance to visit the Baltics. How often can you attend a whole seminar about your own ancestors? Sander
1....Dresden Family Reunion - May 2002

TO SEE MORE CLICK ON LINE ABOVE. This meeting brought together over 100 Keyserlingk family members in Dresden from May 24 to May 26th 2002.

Click on the link above to go to the detailed page. You will find interesting sub-sections like Photo Gallery... Presentations... Information centre,... and Calendar of Events etc in the detailed page.

Click on - List of Participants link to get the page with names of persons who attended. Bettina and Alfred who live in Dresden organized the meeting superbly.

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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.