Family Reunion, August 2004, Labelle, Quebec, Canada |
Date |
Program |
Time |
Venue |
8/13/2004 |
Cocktail reception at Mont Tremblant |
1900 |
Marriott Hotel, Mt Tremblan |
8/14/2004 |
Morning events |
1000 |
Marriott Hotel, Mt Tremblant |
8/14/2004 |
Afternoon canoe trip down the Red River |
1300 |
Labelle ,Quebec |
8/14/2004 |
Reception, dinner and dance |
19i00 |
Mariott Hotel, Mt Tremblan |
8/15/2004 |
BBQ and Beach Party |
1200 |
Lake Labelle |
Event description: | This was the first Keyserlingk family reunion ever held in North America. Almost 100 members attended the 3 day meeting which brought together many cousins from Europe, Africa and North America. A report on the event can be seen in the News section of the website, written by Alfred Keyserlingk of Dresden. Some pictures can be seen:https://plus.google.com/photos/107923363810248771461/albums/5560046212243297361?authkey=CKjfx7W8u5j1fA
Sander |
Contact Info: | Sander Keyserlingk (sanderkey@aol.com). |