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Kristin von Hahn passed away December 21,2024.
By | 1/24/2025
Her family reported:Kristin Margarethe von Hahn died on December 21. Kristin will be missed by friends and family in the US, Canada, Germany and beyond. We will be holding a celebration of her ...................
Elisabeth von Keyserling, daughter of Michael von Keyserling (Son of Peter and Gayle, married.
By | 10/14/2024
Elisabeth and Stephen were married on October 12, 2024 in her fathers (Michael) new parish church in Altmore, Alabama. ...................
Nicolas Turcot marries Maddy Bell
By | 9/5/2024
Nicolas, the son of Andrea Keyserlingk and grandson of Michaela Keyserlingk married Madison Bell in Montreal on August 31, 2024. Maddy is a teacher in Montreal.  Nicolas and Maddy left in their R...................
Calendar of events
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Family Reunion, August 2004, Labelle, Quebec, Canada
Date Program Time Venue
8/13/2004 Cocktail reception at Mont Tremblant 1900   Marriott Hotel, Mt Tremblan 
8/14/2004 Morning events 1000   Marriott Hotel, Mt Tremblant 
8/14/2004 Afternoon canoe trip down the Red River 1300   Labelle ,Quebec 
8/14/2004 Reception, dinner and dance 19i00   Mariott Hotel, Mt Tremblan 
8/15/2004 BBQ and Beach Party 1200   Lake Labelle 
Event description:This was the first Keyserlingk family reunion ever held in North America. Almost 100 members attended the 3 day meeting which brought together many cousins from Europe, Africa and North America. A report on the event can be seen in the News section of the website, written by Alfred Keyserlingk of Dresden. Some pictures can be seen:https://plus.google.com/photos/107923363810248771461/albums/5560046212243297361?authkey=CKjfx7W8u5j1fA Sander
Contact Info:Sander Keyserlingk (sanderkey@aol.com).
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.