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Kristin von Hahn passed away December 21,2024.
By | 1/24/2025
Her family reported:Kristin Margarethe von Hahn died on December 21. Kristin will be missed by friends and family in the US, Canada, Germany and beyond. We will be holding a celebration of her ...................
Elisabeth von Keyserling, daughter of Michael von Keyserling (Son of Peter and Gayle, married.
By | 10/14/2024
Elisabeth and Stephen were married on October 12, 2024 in her fathers (Michael) new parish church in Altmore, Alabama. ...................
Nicolas Turcot marries Maddy Bell
By | 9/5/2024
Nicolas, the son of Andrea Keyserlingk and grandson of Michaela Keyserlingk married Madison Bell in Montreal on August 31, 2024. Maddy is a teacher in Montreal.  Nicolas and Maddy left in their R...................
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1....Dresden Family Reunion - May 2002
Date Program Time Venue
5/24/2002 The week-end started with an informal garden party at Bettina and Alfreds lovely home. There were almost a 100 people and it was a nice occasion to meet old friends and get acquainted with new members.The weather cooperated but Alfred did build a big fire as the evening got cooler. Any time starting after 1800   Veilchenweg 9 Dresden 
5/25/2002 At the beautiful Castle Pillnitz on the Elbe, we had a great morning with presentations on various Keyserling(k) subjects: 1. Hugo Alexander from Schwerin talked about the life and times of his grandmother Gertrud using her diaries and cookbooks. He had lots of great old pictures. 2. Bob from Ottawa talked about how the people of the Baltic states percieved the Baltic Nobility. His presentation brought out a different aspect of those times. It caused a good discussion led by Diedrich. 3. Harry from Berlin talked about the various Keyserlingk writers. He underlined that there were a number of talented writers and thinkers in the family. 0900-1230   Schlosshotel Pillnitz, Fliedersaal 
5/25/2002 After visiting the castle, the group took a boat trip down the Elbe river back to Dresden about 20 kms away. Again the weather obliged. 1345   Pillnitz Anlegestelle. 
5/25/2002 The boat arrived in Dresden where a group photo was taken. The photo is available through Alfred. Individual photos of the week-end are posted in the photo sectionof this page. 1445   Terassenufer Anlegestelle 
5/25/2002 After the photo-Op, Alfred took a group of family on a walking tour of Dresden. Afternoon   Dresden 
5/25/2002 The highlight of the week-end was the formal dinner and dance. The evening surprise was the appearance of cousin Wolff who is a professional magician. Wonderful presentation. There were 4 generations of family members. Dancing went on for some till 0400. 1930 until dawn   Park Plaza Hotel, Dresden 
5/26/2002 The wrap-up was the good-bye meeting at Bettinas and Alfreds on . Some went to service at Loschwitz Church. People arrived and left all morning saying good-bye. Lots of kissing and hugging. Starting at 0900   Veilchenweg 9, Dresden  
Event description:

TO SEE MORE CLICK ON LINE ABOVE. This meeting brought together over 100 Keyserlingk family members in Dresden from May 24 to May 26th 2002.

Click on the link above to go to the detailed page. You will find interesting sub-sections like Photo Gallery... Presentations... Information centre,... and Calendar of Events etc in the detailed page.

Click on - List of Participants link to get the page with names of persons who attended. Bettina and Alfred who live in Dresden organized the meeting superbly.

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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.