Some lines about us |
The site carries information on over 5000 descendants of both the Count and the Baron branches of the Keyserlingk family. |
The site spans the family history over a period of 900 years and includes 24 generations. The site allows Keyserling(k) relatives throughout the world to contact each other to learn more |
Latest Events |
4 ..Family reunion 2014 in Potsdam, Berlin,Germany | Diedrich Keyserlingk made arrangements for a family reunion which took place in Potsdam, Berlin,Germany on the week-end of September 27th, 2014. A big Danke to Armgard and Diedrich for organizing the family meeting.
It was the first family reunion since the one in Canada in 2004.
It was a great event at which some 50 family members attended along with some 20 young children. There were 3 g ................... Read More |
Our main purpose |
The main purpose of this website is to bring all the descendants of the Keyserlingk family together. |
It is interesting to note that the common ancestor of the Count and Baron lines of the family is one Hermann Keyserlingk who lived around the 13th century! |