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Otto (Lisa Erler/Sibylle Kautz) Baron von Fircks's family Siblings : Hildegard Inez Anna Guda Elise Baronesse von Fircks (Eberhard Goetz/Theodor) Lackschewitz, Renata Baronesse von Fircks (Rene von der Wenge Graf Lambsdorff/Hans-Heinrich) Graefin von Hardenberg, Karl-Siegfried ( Anna Rothschaedl/Judith Karger) Baron von Fircks, Inez Baronesse von Fircks (Frank) Baronin von Korff, Wolf Baron von Fircks
Ingrid Baronesse von Fircks  DAUGHTER of Otto (Lisa Erler/Sibylle Kautz) Baron von Fircks Ascendant / Descendant
Gritta Baronesse von Fircks (Holger Hamecher/David) Stone)  ( 1944 ) DAUGHTER of Otto (Lisa Erler/Sibylle Kautz) Baron von Fircks Ascendant / Descendant
HOLGER (Gritta Baronesse von Fircks) HAMECHER  Husband of Gritta Baronesse von Fircks (Holger Hamecher/David) Stone)Ascendant / Descendant
DAVID (Gritta Baronesse von Fircks) STONE  Husband of Gritta Baronesse von Fircks (Holger Hamecher/David) Stone)Ascendant / Descendant
Wolf Dietrich (Aline Hoang-Thi/Simone Behrens) Baron von Fircks  ( 1948 ) SON of Otto (Lisa Erler/Sibylle Kautz) Baron von Fircks Ascendant / Descendant
ALINE HOANG-THI (Wolf Dietrich) BARONIN VON FIRCKS  Wife of Wolf Dietrich (Aline Hoang-Thi/Simone Behrens) Baron von FircksAscendant / Descendant
SIMONE BEHRENS (Wolf Dietrich) BARONIN VON FIRCKS  Wife of Wolf Dietrich (Aline Hoang-Thi/Simone Behrens) Baron von FircksAscendant / Descendant
Helmut (Brigitte Laves) Baron von Fircks   ( 1952 ) SON of Otto (Lisa Erler/Sibylle Kautz) Baron von Fircks Ascendant / Descendant
BRIGITTE LAVES (Helmut) BARONIN VON FIRCKS  Wife of Helmut (Brigitte Laves) Baron von Fircks Ascendant / Descendant
Renate Baronesse von Fircks (Klaus) Lueders  ( 1959 ) DAUGHTER of Otto (Lisa Erler/Sibylle Kautz) Baron von Fircks Ascendant / Descendant
KLAUS (Renate Baronesse von Fircks) LUEDERS  Husband of Renate Baronesse von Fircks (Klaus) LuedersAscendant / Descendant
Heimo (Theodora Reintjes) Baron von Fircks  ( 1962 ) SON of Otto (Lisa Erler/Sibylle Kautz) Baron von Fircks Ascendant / Descendant
THEODORA REINTJES (Heimo) BARONIN VON FIRCKS  Wife of Heimo (Theodora Reintjes) Baron von FircksAscendant / Descendant
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.