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Hildegard Inez Anna Guda Elise Baronesse von Fircks (Eberhard Goetz/Theodor) Lackschewitz's family Siblings : Renata Baronesse von Fircks (Rene von der Wenge Graf Lambsdorff/Hans-Heinrich) Graefin von Hardenberg, Karl-Siegfried ( Anna Rothschaedl/Judith Karger) Baron von Fircks, Otto (Lisa Erler/Sibylle Kautz) Baron von Fircks, Inez Baronesse von Fircks (Frank) Baronin von Korff, Wolf Baron von Fircks
Waltraud Lackschewitz (Klaus) Tenhaeff  DAUGHTER of Hildegard Inez Anna Guda Elise Baronesse von Fircks (Eberhard Goetz/Theodor) Lackschewitz Ascendant / Descendant
KLAUS (Waltraud Lackschewitz) TENHAEFF  Husband of Waltraud Lackschewitz (Klaus) TenhaeffAscendant / Descendant
Odert Harald (Anna Lisa Heikilae) Lackschewitz (Libau - 1930 ) SON of Hildegard Inez Anna Guda Elise Baronesse von Fircks (Eberhard Goetz/Theodor) Lackschewitz Ascendant / Descendant
ANNA LIISA HEIKKILA (Odert) LAKSCHEWITZ  Wife of Odert Harald (Anna Lisa Heikilae) LackschewitzAscendant / Descendant
Wolf (Ursula Reichel) Lackschewitz  ( 1931 ) SON of Hildegard Inez Anna Guda Elise Baronesse von Fircks (Eberhard Goetz/Theodor) Lackschewitz Ascendant / Descendant
URSULA REICHEL (Wolf) LACKSCHEWITZ  Wife of Wolf (Ursula Reichel) LackschewitzAscendant / Descendant
Guda Lackschewitz (Hans) Baumgarten  ( 1933 ) DAUGHTER of Hildegard Inez Anna Guda Elise Baronesse von Fircks (Eberhard Goetz/Theodor) Lackschewitz Ascendant / Descendant
HANS (Guda Lackschewitz) BAUMGARTEN  Husband of Guda Lackschewitz (Hans) BaumgartenAscendant / Descendant
Klas (Christel Goubeaud/Mathilde Matz) Konrad Lackschewitz  (Libau, Kurland - 1934 ) SON of Hildegard Inez Anna Guda Elise Baronesse von Fircks (Eberhard Goetz/Theodor) Lackschewitz Ascendant / Descendant
MATHILDE MATZ (Klas) LACKSCHEWITZ  Wife of Klas (Christel Goubeaud/Mathilde Matz) Konrad Lackschewitz Ascendant / Descendant
CHRISTEL GOUBEAUD (Klas, geschieden)   Wife of Klas (Christel Goubeaud/Mathilde Matz) Konrad Lackschewitz Ascendant / Descendant
Hellen-Liv Lackschewitz  ( 1942 ) DAUGHTER of Hildegard Inez Anna Guda Elise Baronesse von Fircks (Eberhard Goetz/Theodor) Lackschewitz Ascendant / Descendant
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.