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Harold Alvin (ANTONIA GALLUCCI/JUNE MACIOROWSKI) Crawford's family Siblings : Evelyn Ann Crawford (Robert) Paul
Ann Marie Crawford (BRET VAN DREEL/STEPHEN) Rutherford  ( 1963 ) DAUGHTER of Harold Alvin (ANTONIA GALLUCCI/JUNE MACIOROWSKI) Crawford Ascendant / Descendant
BRET (Anne Marie Crawford) VAN DREEL  Husband of Ann Marie Crawford (BRET VAN DREEL/STEPHEN) RutherfordAscendant / Descendant
STEPHEN (Anne Marie Crawford) RUTHERFORD  Husband of Ann Marie Crawford (BRET VAN DREEL/STEPHEN) RutherfordAscendant / Descendant
Mary Ann Crawford (MICHAEL) Boccardi  ( 1963 ) DAUGHTER of Harold Alvin (ANTONIA GALLUCCI/JUNE MACIOROWSKI) Crawford Ascendant / Descendant
MICHAEL (Mary Ann Crawford) BOCCARDI  Husband of Mary Ann Crawford (MICHAEL) BoccardiAscendant / Descendant
Harold Adams (DAWN MARIE KASTNER) Crawford  ( 1967 ) SON of Harold Alvin (ANTONIA GALLUCCI/JUNE MACIOROWSKI) Crawford Ascendant / Descendant
DAWN MARIE KASTNER (Harold) CRAWFORD  Wife of Harold Adams (DAWN MARIE KASTNER) CrawfordAscendant / Descendant
Howard A (DEBORAH M PROCTOR) Crawford  ( 1967 ) SON of Harold Alvin (ANTONIA GALLUCCI/JUNE MACIOROWSKI) Crawford Ascendant / Descendant
DEBORAH MARJORIE PROCTOR (Howard A) CRAWFORD  Wife of Howard A (DEBORAH M PROCTOR) CrawfordAscendant / Descendant
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.