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    Family tree starts in: 1226  |  Total Family members: 5456 English  Deutsch  
Susan Anne Barrett (Gary Brett) Dobson's family Siblings : Barbara Lucy Barrett (Martin Anthony) Herbert, Andrew John (Catherine Jane Griffiths) Barrett, Christopher Joseph (Mandy Smith) Barrett, Teresa Frances Barrett (Robert) Thomson, Veronica Mary Barrett (Geoffrey) Baker
Robert Paul Dobson (Johannesburg, South Africa - 1981 ) SON of Susan Anne Barrett (Gary Brett) Dobson Ascendant / Descendant
Timothy Luke Dobson (Johannesburg, South Africa - 1983 ) SON of Susan Anne Barrett (Gary Brett) Dobson Ascendant / Descendant
Angela Kay Dobson (Johannesburg, South Africa - 1985 ) DAUGHTER of Susan Anne Barrett (Gary Brett) Dobson Ascendant / Descendant
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.