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Peter Henry Warrington (Gayle Gawthrop-Shaw) Graf von Keyserling's family Siblings : Sigrid Ann Marie Comtesse von Keyserling (William Lee) Ruggels, Christopher Rufus Jeannot (Cynthia Deems) Graf von Keyserling, Victoria Harriet Frances Louise(Anthony Washington) Comtesse von Keyserling
Kevin Todd (Aimee Jacobsen) Graf von Keyserling (Peoria, Illinois - 1967 ) SON of Peter Henry Warrington (Gayle Gawthrop-Shaw) Graf von Keyserling Ascendant / Descendant
AIMEE MARIE JACOBSEN (Kevin) GRAEFIN VON KEYSERLING  Wife of Kevin Todd (Aimee Jacobsen) Graf von KeyserlingAscendant / Descendant
Patrick Heath (Melissa Jean Martin) Graf von Keyserling (Abbington, Pensylvania, USA - 1969 ) SON of Peter Henry Warrington (Gayle Gawthrop-Shaw) Graf von Keyserling Ascendant / Descendant
MELISSA JEAN MARTIN (Patrick Heath) GRAEFIN VON KEYSERLING  Wife of Patrick Heath (Melissa Jean Martin) Graf von KeyserlingAscendant / Descendant
Michael Eugene (April Hite/Jennifer Brady/Laura Rae Taylor) Graf von Keyserling (Smith Town, New York, USA - 1971 ) SON of Peter Henry Warrington (Gayle Gawthrop-Shaw) Graf von Keyserling Ascendant / Descendant
JENNIFER BRADY (Michael Eugene) GRAEFIN VON KEYSERLING  Wife of Michael Eugene (April Hite/Jennifer Brady/Laura Rae Taylor) Graf von KeyserlingAscendant / Descendant
LAURA RAE TAYLOR (Michael Eugen) COUNTESS VON KEYSERLING  Wife of Michael Eugene (April Hite/Jennifer Brady/Laura Rae Taylor) Graf von KeyserlingAscendant / Descendant
APRIL (Michael von Keyserling) HITE  Wife of Michael Eugene (April Hite/Jennifer Brady/Laura Rae Taylor) Graf von KeyserlingAscendant / Descendant
Amy Louise Comtesse von Keyserling (Stephen Mathew) Scott (Flemington, New Jersey - 1978 ) DAUGHTER of Peter Henry Warrington (Gayle Gawthrop-Shaw) Graf von Keyserling Ascendant / Descendant
STEPHEN MATHEW (Amy Comtesse von Keyserling) SCOTT  Husband of Amy Louise Comtesse von Keyserling (Stephen Mathew) ScottAscendant / Descendant
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.