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    Family tree starts in: 1226  |  Total Family members: 5452 English  Deutsch  
Michael Eberhard (Wilhelmine von Herford) Freiherr Knigge's family Siblings : Jobst Freiherr Knigge, Renate Clara Helene Freiin Knigge (Jean Pierre) Ritter, Klaus Wilhelm Henning (Verena von Bothmer) Freiherr Knigge, Hilmar Albrecht (Maria Anna Gertler) Freiherr Knigge, Cornelia Freiin Knigge (Berndt) Langemann
Saskia Alexa Freiin Knigge (Schwaebische Hall - 1972 ) DAUGHTER of Michael Eberhard (Wilhelmine von Herford) Freiherr Knigge Ascendant / Descendant
Magnus Philipp Freiherr Knigge (Schwaebisch Hall - 1974 ) SON of Michael Eberhard (Wilhelmine von Herford) Freiherr Knigge Ascendant / Descendant
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.