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Nicolas Turcot marries Maddy Bell
By | 9/5/2024
Nicolas, the son of Andrea Keyserlingk and grandson of Michaela Keyserlingk married Madison Bell in Montreal on August 31, 2024. Maddy is a teacher in Montreal.  Nicolas and Maddy left in their R...................
Veronica Turcot gives birth to a son.
By | 7/20/2024
Veronica Turcot, daughter of Andrea Keyserlingk, and Veronicas spouse Pierre Luc Murray-Decarie are the proud parents of their first son, Theo Henri Michel Decarie. He was born in Gatineau, Quebec on ...................
Keyserlingk.info website about to reach 30 million hits.
By | 7/19/2024
If you look at the bottom right of the home page of family website, Keyserlingk.info, you will see the small counter. It is about to hit 30 million. I have no idea of how many are individual visitors ...................
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 Guest Name Subject Comments
Herbert Stoyan     genealogy     When got the family the Freiherren title? How are the first counts (Hermann Carl, Gebhard, Otto Ernst) related?ccccccccc You can use the relationship finder to see how they are related. Sander June 23, 2022 
Sunday, December 4, 2022   
Herbert Stoyan     genealogy     Do you know more about Wilhelmine von Dönhoff und Wilhelmine von der Goltz?xxx No. Sorry. Maybe check out the Goltz family website. Sander June 21, 2022 
Sunday, December 4, 2022   
Jill Chodorov Kaminsky     Keyserlingk was business mentor....     My maternal grandmother descended from the Traugott family. My grandmother wrote a family tree over 80 years ago. In it, she wrote that Count Keyserling became my 4th great grandfather, Sorach Traugott, and his brother Nachums mentor. Nachum and Sorach became very rich and respected dry goods merchants. Sorach and Nachum would have lived in the 1700s, but I dont have exact dates. I am wondering if the Keyserling family would have any letters or documentation about this friendship. I have just started my genealogy research into my family and have become fascinated.xxx I think that cousin Henry Popp is dealing with your question. xxxxxxxx Our geneologist, Henry Popp has responded directly to you. Sander June 21 2022 
Sunday, December 4, 2022   
Benedikt     Frage und Fehler     Hallo Sander, auf der Seite http://www.keyserlingk.info/default.asp?pid=615&city=FAMILY wird Bezug genommen zu der Familie von Knoop. Kann es sein, dass "Elfred von Knoop (Berni) Volprecht SON of Gertrud Baronesse Keyserlingk (Johhann Ludwig) von Knoop" eigentlich heissen müsste: "Elfreda von Knoop (Berni) Volprecht DOUGHTER of Gertrud Baronesse Keyserlingk (Johann Ludwig) von Knoop" und darunter "BERNI (Elfreda von Knoop) VOLPRECHT Husband of Elfreda von Knoop (Berni) Volprecht"? Ich denke auch, dass "Johann von Knoop" nur mit einem h geschrieben wird. Gibt es Informationen, wann und wo Elfreda Volprecht, geb. von Knoop verstarb? Herzliche Grüße xxxxxxxxmehr Benedikt, Danke fuer den Hinweis. Ich habe die Korrekturen eingetragen. Ich habe nicht weitere Informationen ueber Elfreda von Knoop. Sander Keyserlingk April 2002 
Sunday, December 4, 2022   
Christoph Oeser     illegitimer Sohn des Carl Graf v. Keyserlingk     Guten Tag, in meinem Stammbaum befindet sich ein Nikolaus Schwarz geb.1843 in Stockhausen/Oberhessen. Er soll ein illegitimer Sohn des Carl Graf v. Keyserlingk (1809-1892) und der Maria Katharina geb.Schwarz sein. Ist ihnen etwas über diesen illegitimen Sohn des Carl Graf v. Keyserlingk bekannt? Mit Dank und besten Grüßen, Christoph Oeser xxxxxxx Danke fuer diese Information. Ich habe auch gesehen verschiedene Kommentare darueber aber wir haben entschlossen nicht weiter diese Angelegenheit zu forschen. Sander Keyserlingk April 2022 
Thursday, July 14, 2022   
Alvaro Adame     Senta Von Knoop     My grandmothers name was Senta Von Knoop i do not know anything else and I im trying to build my family tree from my father´s mother side. Any help will be greatly apreciated. Thanks xxxxxx Hi Senta, check out Wikipedia which is where I go t my information. Sander Keyserlingk April 2022 
Thursday, June 23, 2022   
Mick Ewert     Otto 4th Graf Keyserlingk & Sofia Wilkoszewska     Hi. Im wondering if anyone would be able to help with the following? Im researching my grandfathers farm in Neiderung in East Prussia and in the landholders register (Handbuch des Grundbesitzes 1879) the entry next to my grandfather is Otto, Graf v. keyserlingk u. Rautenburg. Does anyone have any information or copies of documents about this Graf Keyserlingk? His landholding would a join my grandfathers. The other query I have regards a Sofia Wilkoszewska, feurstin von leiven, my great aunts name was Helena v. Wilkoszewska and Im wondering if there is a connection as it is a not too common a surname? Thanks for any help with info and compliments on your website! Mick Ewert xxxxxxx Hi Mick Sorry I cannot help more than what you see on the website. Sander Keyserlingk April 2022 
Saturday, April 16, 2022   
Inga Zomerfelde     Alte Karten     Hallo! Ich bin aus Lettland.Vor kurzem haben wir Karten der Eigentuemer damaliger Gross-Lahnen beerbt. Die aelteste Karte ist vom 1880, die neuste-vom 1942 datiert. Insgesamt 66 Karten. Warum schreibe ich Ihnen? Weil da die Vermerkungan Graf A. Keyserlingk steht! Vielleicht haben Sie daran Interesse?xxxxxxxx La ich bin saran interessiert. 
Sunday, August 9, 2020   
Niiels     contact     Dear Sander, I cant find your Details. My friend George Spina would like to have them. Could you, please? How is life? Best regards, NielsxxxxxxxxxxxHi Niels I will send them to you by email. 
Sunday, June 28, 2020   
Rothen, Stefan     C. M.von ZülowKeyserlingk     Carl Magnus von Zülow (1753 – 1820), Leutnant, Erbherr auf Klemzig und Dahlewitz oo 1786 Rostock, Marie Elisabeth Oelgard von Zülow, geb. von Zülow ( - um 1845). = Dorothea Ernestine von Keyserlingk geb. v. Z. (1797 – 1874) oo 1820 – 1839, Baron Dr. phil. Hermann Wilhelm Ernst v. Keyserling (1773 Halle – 1858), Schriftsteller, Privatdozent = NN, 1821 – 1821 = Philipp Ferdinand Hermann v. K. (1822 – 1882 Stade) oo 01.03.1851, Maria Theresia v. K. Geb. Bigot (1828 – 1887) = August Wilhelm v. K. (1824 - ?) = Marie Auguste Franziska v. K. (1825 – 1860, 35 Jahre) = Hermann Gustav v. K. (1826 Berlin - ?) oo Natalie v. K. geb, Hugen = Ewald Karl Theodor v. K. (1832 – 1891) = Friedrich v. Z., Major, Weißenfels = Carl v. Z., Hauptmann, Magdeburg, = Elisabeth v. Z., Weißenfels = Wilhelmine Henriette v. Z., (24.07.1806 Berlin – nach 1873) Vorsteherin einer höheren Erziehungsanstalt Berlin, getauft am 07.09.1806 in Sankt Nikolai, Berlin. Dem Fräulein Wilhelmine Henriette von Zülow ist als Vorsteherin die Erlaubnis zur Fortführung der bisher bestandenen von Rathenowschen Pension- und Erziehungsanstalt erteilt worden. Später Vorsteherin einer Erziehungs-Anstalt für Töchter gebildeter Stände. Quelle: Amtsblatt der königlichen Regierung zu Potsdam und der Stadt Berlin vom 28. Juni 1844. Laut Berliner Adressbuch: v. Rathenow, E., Fräulein, Vorst. ein. Töchterpensionat, Leipziger Straße 22 bzw. Kronenstr. 58., Kochstr. 73 mindesten bis 1873 nachweisbar. Es fehlen in unserer Aufstellung Lebensdaten der Kinder. können sie uns helfenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIch erde per Email antworten. 
Wednesday, June 10, 2020   
Rothen, Stefan     C. M.von ZülowKeyserlingk     Carl Magnus von Zülow (1753 – 1820), Leutnant, Erbherr auf Klemzig und Dahlewitz oo 1786 Rostock, Marie Elisabeth Oelgard von Zülow, geb. von Zülow ( - um 1845). = Dorothea Ernestine von Keyserlingk geb. v. Z. (1797 – 1874) oo 1820 – 1839, Baron Dr. phil. Hermann Wilhelm Ernst v. Keyserling (1773 Halle – 1858), Schriftsteller, Privatdozent = NN, 1821 – 1821 = Philipp Ferdinand Hermann v. K. (1822 – 1882 Stade) oo 01.03.1851, Maria Theresia v. K. Geb. Bigot (1828 – 1887) = August Wilhelm v. K. (1824 - ?) = Marie Auguste Franziska v. K. (1825 – 1860, 35 Jahre) = Hermann Gustav v. K. (1826 Berlin - ?) oo Natalie v. K. geb, Hugen = Ewald Karl Theodor v. K. (1832 – 1891) = Friedrich v. Z., Major, Weißenfels = Carl v. Z., Hauptmann, Magdeburg, = Elisabeth v. Z., Weißenfels = Wilhelmine Henriette v. Z., (24.07.1806 Berlin – nach 1873) Vorsteherin einer höheren Erziehungsanstalt Berlin, getauft am 07.09.1806 in Sankt Nikolai, Berlin. Dem Fräulein Wilhelmine Henriette von Zülow ist als Vorsteherin die Erlaubnis zur Fortführung der bisher bestandenen von Rathenowschen Pension- und Erziehungsanstalt erteilt worden. Später Vorsteherin einer Erziehungs-Anstalt für Töchter gebildeter Stände. Quelle: Amtsblatt der königlichen Regierung zu Potsdam und der Stadt Berlin vom 28. Juni 1844. Laut Berliner Adressbuch: v. Rathenow, E., Fräulein, Vorst. ein. Töchterpensionat, Leipziger Straße 22 bzw. Kronenstr. 58., Kochstr. 73 mindesten bis 1873 nachweisbar. Es fehlen in unserer Aufstellung Lebensdaten der Kinder. können sie uns helfen? xxxxxxxx Ich werde Ihnen per Email antworten. Sander Graf K. 
Wednesday, June 10, 2020   
Philip Pierlot     Information for Joachim von Hahn and family     Hi. I am the son of Hubert Pierlot and Jakoba von Hahn who is the daughter of Joachim von Hahn and Carola Koskul. I am hoping I might be able to access some information on my mothers family, specifically birthdates, deaths, burial locations and any anecdotes. She is currently a resident in Community Care with Hubert and she has struggles with her memory that result in some anxiety as she does not recall if her parents are alive, who is where, and her memory fills in with what looks like early childhood memories of war and dislocation from home. My goal is to create a short and clear list of her immediate family members, specifically parents and siblings, with some key information which she can use to remind herself. This eases her anxiety considerably as she is able to re-connect the neurons so to speak and know that all is well. So, I can find these names in the tree but it seems that I must have site access to see details? Or is there a way that I am missing? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. As well, if desired, I would be happy to update regarding my own five children, their spouses and, now, grandchildren. What a wonderful work this site is! Philip Pierlot xxxxxxxxx Hi Philip, nice to hear from you. I will contact you by email. Cheers. Sander K 
None Wednesday, June 10, 2020   
Maik Klaus Rautenberg     Keyserlingk zu Rautenberg     Hallo,unter ZVAB.com findet man eine Lithographie (Wappendruck) aus Stülpnagel, über eure Familie. Könnt ihr mir bitte beantworten wie der Name Rautenberg/Rautenburg dazugehört. Unsere Fam. besitzt Spuren die ins Balikum führen. Mein Großeltern erzählten immer etwas vom Ritterorden und dem Adel den wir angehört haben soll. Heute ist nichts d mehr davon da, außer das wissen darüber. Daraufhin führte ich einen DNA Test durch um die Herkunft zu bestimmen und siehe da mit über 23 % Baltischee Ethnie. Mittlerweile konnte ich eine Abwanderung in das Gebiet Wolhynien (heutige Ukraine) belegen! Durch Krieg und Vertreibung sind wir in Deutschland gelandet. Da ich selbst sehr Intensiv meinen Stammbaum erstelle und auch schon viele Archive besucht habe. Komme ich nicht wirklich geschichtlich weiter. Danke in vorraus Maik Klaus Rautenberg xxxxxxxxx  
Thursday, April 2, 2020   
Alfred Keyserlingk     Erinnerungen von Cecile Popp     Kann man die Erinnerungen auch auf Deutsch erhalten? xxxxxx Alfred, wie Du vorgeschlagen hast, ist das Original jetzt zu sehen. Sander, April, 2020 
Wednesday, April 1, 2020   
Markus Krause     Daten in der Stammfolge fehlerhaft     Bei der Durchsicht ist mir, wenn auch nur kleiner Fehler, aufgefallen, den ich Ihnen hiermit im Sinne einer Korrektur darlegen möchte. - Otto Heinrich Dietrich von KEYSERLINGK vermählte sich am 7.6.1791 in Königsberg/Ostpreußen mit Emilie Alexandrine von DÖNHOFF In Ihrer Stammfolge ist hingegen als Traudatum der 7.5.1791 angegeben. Dieses kann ich aufgrund von Kirchenbuchauszügen entsprechend widerlegen.xxx Danke fuer den Hinweis. Sander K 
Saturday, January 11, 2020   
Jackie Ray     Von Stromberg / Smits of     Ancestry search for those families 1900-1980, from Poland and Latvia, possibly Germany. Their fates during and after Latvian/Soviet conflict.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sorry, I cannot help you except for the information you see on this site. Sander Keyserlingk, October 19,2019. 
Sunday, October 20, 2019   
Josef     Gatterstaller     We discovered 60 letters written by Harry von Bertrab (born 1895) from Turkey to Germany 1925/26. As I lerned here on this website he was later married to Waltrud von Keyserlingk. He is closely connected to our family. Does anyone have information about what happened to him after his time in Turkey (besides his marriage?xxxxx Sorry, I cannot help you here, except what you see on the website, which indicates that he was an insurance Executve and died in 1945. There were no children from that marriage. Can you share the letters? Sander Keyserlingk, webmaster. October 19,2019.  
Sunday, October 20, 2019   
Francine Aird Goyer     Family     Jadore comment tu racontes la vie de ta famille,. Cest passionnant. xxxxxx Merci Francine. Je le fais parce que je trove cela interesant. Mais aussi pour preserver cette histoire de la famille pour les generations futures. Alexandre, 20 octobre 2019. 
Sunday, October 20, 2019   
Peter Overlack     Overlacks     I am in Australia. Seeking any links to Overlacks (ex Deutschordens-Ritter ) ex Glehn / Duesseldorf/ some in Livland..xxxx Sorry, I have no info on that family.Sander K. 
Sunday, October 20, 2019   
Vantus     Who to get login from?     Hello there! I found your website when searching my familys name and found my immediate relatives listed on this website. I went to click for more information, but it asks for a login and tells me that if I wish to acquire one, that I need to get in touch with the webmaster here. Unfortunately, I cant seem to find your contact info anywhere! (Sorry if Im just missing it.) I didnt want to have to create a public message on here with my name/contact info, so Im hoping that after you get in touch with me you might be willing to delete this message, please? Thank you very much, and I hope to hear from you - this is a lovely site! xxxxxxVantus, I have removed your email for protection. We have talked and I believe all is fine. Nice of you to communicate. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, June 29, 2019   
Kamil     info about hisotry of palm tree     Hello, im citizen of Wejherowo town in Poland, where we have a palace build by Otton Aleksander von Keyserlingk in 1800. Can You tell me why there is a palm tree in your coat of arms of the family?xxxIn fact, the Keyserling crest used to have a small bush in the crest. The story goes that when the ancestors returned from the crusades they inserted a Palm Tree as a reminder.. Sander. Jan 22,2019 
Saturday, June 29, 2019   
Rev. Dr. John Fiene     Visit to Latvia     As a Lutheran pastor and a frequent organizer of tours to Lutheran sites, this coming year (2018) I am planning a tour that will include Latvia. I am also a descendant of the Basedow v. Hahns and have taken an interest in the v. Hahns of Latvia. Could you direct me to a source of information that could tell me more about the family - more than I can get off of Wikipedia etc. If there are any places in Latvia that could be visited and be of historical interest on the v. Hahn family itI would appreciate any advice.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Hahn family have a restricted family website. You could contact Marina Bieler, nee Hahn for more info at marinabieler@gmail.com 
Tuesday, May 7, 2019   
Sandra     website     I love this portal, especially because the comments and its content is exceptional, I will show it to my son when I come back from computer classes that will make him happy, since I know him, he also loves sites like this.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Glad you enjoyed it. It has over 10 million hits already. Alexander Graf Keyserlingk  
Tuesday, May 7, 2019   
Andrew Marinic     Keyserlingk Family     Wonderful and impressive family web site. Its refreshing to see someone care about family history.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks for the coment. Alexander Graf Keyserlingk. 
Tuesday, May 7, 2019   
Johan R. Ryheul     Major Heinrich Freiherr von Keyserlingk 1866 - 1914     I am looking for some basic information on your family member who served with Füsilier Regiment 80 and was killed as commander of the 3rd company on 22 August 1914 near Bertrix and whos buried at Bertrix-Heide. Sincere thanks. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Can you give me a few more names, or the name of his wife?There are so many Heinrich Keyserlingk. Sander Keyserlingk 
Tuesday, May 7, 2019   
Andre J Veerman     contact Maximiliane Rahinatu (Matthias Schultze) Baronesse Keyserlingk     DEAR: Maximiliane Rahinatu (Matthias Schultze) Baronesse Keyserlingk ITS BEEN A LITLE WHILE ? 21 YEARS ? I KNOW ! deveer123@outlook.com Im curious as to what you have been doing since then ? Keep in touch . Andre J VEERMAN SYDNEY AUSTRALIA 02 9361 4317xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I forwarded your email to Maxi. Sander K, Januaray 22, 2019. 
Tuesday, May 7, 2019   
Andre J VEERMAN     CONTACT     Hello, I would like to contact Maximiliane Rahinatu (Matthias Schultze) Baronesse Keyserlingk , it has been many years and I would like to make contact, please forward correspondence. Kind Regards Andre J Veerman Sydney Australia 2010 deveer123@outlook.com 02 9361 4317xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I sent your request to Maxi for her to respond if she wishes. 
Wednesday, May 1, 2019   
Uwe     Kontaktaufnahme     Ich bin durch Zufall auf diese Seite gestoßen. In der ersten Hälfte der 70er Jahre habe ich mit einem Mädchen aus Ihrer Familie dasselbe Gymnasium im Taunus besucht, sogar in derselben Klasse. Den Name möchte ich aus Datenschutzgründen nicht nennen. Mein voller Name geht aus meiner Email-Adresse hervor. Die Angaben sollten ausreichen. Sie wird sich erinnern. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hoffentlich wird das Maedchen dies lesen. Viel Glueck. Alexander Graf Keyserlingk. Aktuell lebe ich in Pommern und bin oft auf den Masuren unterwegs. Sollte meine ehemalige Schulfreundin an einer Kontaktaufnahme interessiert sein, würde mich das sehr freuen. Ich respektiere in jedem Fall die Ignorierung meiner Anfrage. Mit freundlichem Gruß ....  
Wednesday, July 4, 2018   
Arkadiusz Godzwon     Question about one Graf Dr. Keyserling     Dear Sirs, does anyone know some Klaus Graf Dr. Keyserling, born on 03.07.1900 in Zennhof (Germany), who was a soldier (Gefreiter) and died in "Polenfeldzug" 1939 ?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I presume that the Klaus you refer to is: Klaus Rudolf Fred Otto Graf (Wilhelmine Kindscher) Keyserling You can find him in the Keyserlingk.info website. Have you additional information on him? Sander Keyserlingk 
Saturday, May 26, 2018   
Lara Noa Katharina Baronesse von Hahn     Mein Name     Hallo, Ich weiß nicht wär diese Forschung durchgeführt hat aber mein Name ist nicht Lora Noa Katharina Felder🙄 Der meines Bruders auch nicht Tim Felder sondern Tim Maximilian Baron von Hahn. Mein Vater schreibt man Stefan und nicht Stephan😂 Wäre schön wen dies geändert wird. Vielen Dank, LARAxxxxxx Danke fuer den Hinweis. Ich habe dies korrigiert Sander 25 August, 2017. 
http://www.keyserlingk.info/default.asp?case=SEARCH&city=FAMILY Thursday, December 21, 2017   
Jean-Pierre Marville     Eduard v.Keyserlingk (1855-1918)     To whom it may concern: who can help me find the relationship between above mentioned fiction writer, dramatist, and exponent of literary Impressionism E.v.K.(who died in Munich, where I live) and Graf Heinrich Gebhard/Gerhard(?) Karl Konstantin Ludwig von Keyserlingk (Birth: 07 NOV 1861 • Berlin, Death 13 JAN 1941 • Neustadt, Westpreussen)to whom Im related? Thanks in advance for your kind help! Respectfully, JPMxxxxxxxxxYou can use the Relationship Finder on the home page of this website. Find the persons using their first names and the system will produce a relationship tree between these two persons.Sander. August 25, 2017. I have emailed you the relationship. Cheers. November 19, 2017 
Thursday, December 21, 2017   
Jean-Pierre Marville     Eduard v.Keyserlingk (1855-1918)     To whom it may concern: who can help me find the relationship between above mentioned fiction writer, dramatist, and exponent of literary Impressionism E.v.K.(who died in Munich, where I live) and Graf Heinrich Gebhard/Gerhard(?) Karl Konstantin Ludwig von Keyserlingk (Birth: 07 NOV 1861 • Berlin, Death 13 JAN 1941 • Neustadt, Westpreussen)to whom Im related? Thanks in advance for your kind help! Respectfully, JPMxxxxxxxxxYou can use the Relationship Finder on the home page of this website. Find the persons using their first names and the system will produce a relationship tree between these two persons.Sander. August 25, 2017. I have emailed you the relationship. Cheers. November 19, 2017 
Thursday, December 21, 2017   
Lloyd de Vere Hunt     A new generation     I appreciate the kindness of those who added my family to the website by virtue of my ancestor, Agnesa von Hoerner (v Mirbach), daughter of Christian Wilhelm v Hoerner and Countess Alexandrina Keyserlingk (v Hoerner), as well as through a Pfeilitzer v. Franck marriage. I am pleased to announce the birth of Robert James de Vere Hunt, son of my son, Samuel John de Vere Hunt and Megan Macdonald on June 14, 2016 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.xxxLloyd, thanks for the update. Sander K, 25 August, 2017 
Thursday, December 21, 2017   
Arthur Kean     Erick Paul Leopold Krey and Erma Johanne Julianne Martha Von Mirbach     I am working on my wives family tree and these were her grandparents. Born in Germany in the early 1880s and their son Wolfgang Erich Felix Krey. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You. Arthur and Viola(Krey) 
Saturday, August 26, 2017   
Cécile Raczynski     Cousinade à Paris février 2017     Bonjour Sander, Jai changé dadresse email et perdu la tienne de ce fait. Jaimerais échanger avec toi à propos de mon projet dorganiser une réunion de famille à Paris en février 2017. A bientôt de te lire. 
Saturday, August 26, 2017   
Jaunius     i find     Hello ! I found that this family also lived near Latvia border,near vilage Kriukai Joniskis district Lithuania.Also i have some curch records 
Saturday, August 26, 2017   
Lippert     Mirow Mecklenburg     In diesem Jahr beginnen Restaurierungsarbeiten in Mirow. Dort gibt es ein Freiherrl. Keyserlingksches Erbbrgäbnis von 1795. Können Sie mir sagen, wer die beiden sind, die dort beigesetzt wurden? ggf. mit Daten. Vielen Dank. Dr.R.Lippert 
www.kulturgut-mecklenburg-strelitz.de Saturday, August 26, 2017   
Ragna von Glasenapp     visiting DC     wir besuchen gerade Ute und Heiner Liebig, Sohn von Freda Maria Liebig, geb. Ondarza und w[rden gerne bei euch vorbeischauen und uns vorstellen. xxxxxxx Leider lebe ich nicht mehr in Washington, sondern in Florida. 
Sunday, June 11, 2017   
Margrit von Kleist     wife of Aribert von Kleist     gut Neuigkeiten von der Familie zu erfahren. 
Sunday, June 11, 2017   
van den Boom     Helga     Alexander von Stryk wurde 1966 geboren! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx notiert und korrigiert. Sander 04/07/2015 
Sunday, June 11, 2017   
Martin Smith     Count Hermann Keyserling     In these surfing days, its impossible to study in the old way. But have you any information about Count Keyserlings severe psychic illness (for which he was treated by his good friend Carl Gustav Jung) after apparently getting too deeply involved with the entire continent of South America, which left him with severe psycho-somatic symptoms. I have just suffered from something similar in regard to Georgia; and had a brush with Japan in my younger days.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I was not aware the Hermann suffered these symptoms. Sander, May 19,2015 
martinenglish.co.uk Sunday, June 11, 2017   
Martin Smith     Goldberg Variations     Neither Landowskas harpsichord (which was on sale in an Oxford music shop in 1977 and I actually played!) not Goulds 1955 piano (not the legendary CD 318 - that came later - but a CD 19, were UPRIGHT (!)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqhb1DKUc0I ; http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/glenn-goulds-steinway/ xxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks for the links. Sander, May19, 2015 
martinenglish.co.uk Sunday, June 11, 2017   
Ragna von Glasenapp     Contactdetails     Hallo Sander, I just talked to Wendula and Dolf. We will be close next week and would like to contact you. And I would also like to get login and password. Kind regards, Ragna xxxxxxxx Hi Ragna, Where are you? Give me an email and I will send you the login and password. Sander. 
Sunday, December 20, 2015   
Baron Igor Alexander Heyking     Possible links with Keyserlingk     My grandmother Baronesse Heyking was a very good friend of Baronesse Von RECKE. My grandfather was Baron Alphons Heyking and was Consul General for Russia in London circa 1917.xxxxx That is interesting. Which Baroness von der Recke do you mean. 
Sunday, December 20, 2015   
Hollmann Matthias R.G.     login & password     Hello, I would like to receive a login & password to update my personal data because its outdated. With kind regards M. Hollmann.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matthias, I sent the login and password to you by email. Samder 
Saturday, September 19, 2015   
Anja von Keyserlingk     login & password     I would like to login & obtain a password to update this website. How do I get in. 20/Jan/2015.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Anja, I sent the ID and password by email. Did you get it? Sander. 
Saturday, March 14, 2015   
Leslie Alexandra Parker (Ediss)     Von Offenberg Family     Im so glad to have found your family tree, I have several family members in it! All of the V. Offenbergs here are my Great Grandmother Katherine Von Offenbergs family. 
Saturday, January 17, 2015   
Thies Paukner     Anmeldung     Guten Tag: Ich bin ein Verwandter der Helene Freiin Gibsone-Keyserlingk (4Urgroßneffe 1.Grad) und möchte mich gerne anmelden. Wie geht das? Übrigens finde ich es befremdlich, dass die Fotos vom Familientreffen in Potsdam von jedermann ohne Anmeldung eingesehen werden können. Freundlich, Thies Paukner xxxxxxxxxx Lieber Herr Paukner Da Sie nicht der Familie Keyserlingk gehoeren, kann ich Ihnen nicht erlauben die privaten Informationen der Webseite zu sehen. Die Bilder von dem Potsdam Treffen sind jetzt geschuetzt. 
Saturday, January 17, 2015   
Helmut Keyserling     birth of our daughter     Were proud to introduce the newest member of our family Rosa Olympia Sophia Anna Gräfin von Keyserling. She was born on June 13th 2013 in Berlin 
Wednesday, October 15, 2014   
Nadja Betina Von Villon     about:EMILIE VON VILLON (Axel) BORDEHL VON BORDELIUS (Bersebeck - 1862 )     Hi! Iam really surprise to find name: "von Villon" - from Riga (Bersebek)! My grandfather is Alfred Herbert Von Villon Son of Carl Von Villon e Aina Maria Wadenstjerna Husband of Erna Von Villon Father of Carlos Heinz Von Villon; Ina Alice Von Villon e Annelise Von Villon Imbó Brother of Theodor Von Villon; Ina Von Villon; Ingeborg Von Villon; Estelle Von Villon; e Benita Von Villon.. Please! There is some descendant of the family von villon that has photos of ancestors? Thank you for your attention. Nadja 
Wednesday, October 15, 2014   
C-G von Delwig     Georg Johan II von Keyserlingk till Remessen     Ich suche info uber Johan von Keyserlink (der son zu Herman K und Elisabeth Goes) und sein frau Catharina von Delwig 
Wednesday, October 15, 2014   
Raczynski     2015 or 2016 Family Reunion     Cher Alexander, Voici dix-huit mois, lorsque je tavais contacté avant mon séjour à New York, tu mavais proposé dorganiser un rassemblement familial à Paris. Javais trouvé lidée fabuleuse : ce serait loccasion pour moi de faire la connaissance de cousins Keyserling et de leur faire découvrir une ville splendide que jaime : Paris. Jaurai mis dix-huit mois à te répondre favorablement. Cest quun tel projet nécessite une très bonne organisation. Or, jai une proposition à te soumettre aujourdhui - peut-être parce que jentre dans ma quarante-cinquième année aujourdhui : âge de la maturité et de la pleine force de vie. Voici ma proposition : proposer aux cousins via le site que tu modères une croisière à Paris et à la Défense de trois quatre jours. Il me suffirait de préempter la réservation dun bon nombre de cabines sur un bateau dune très bonne compagnie qui propose ce genre de croisières. Ces croisières sont proposées en février et mars de chaque année jusquà présent. Or, en tant quenseignante, jai deux semaines de vacances en février ou mars. Après ton aval, je me propose de contacter cette compagnie de croisières pour préempter un bon nombre de cabines - nous préciserons ce nombre après que je lai contactée par téléphone - pour février ou mars 2015, si possible, ou bien février ou mars 2016 en fonction des dates de mes vacances. Puis je tenverrai le descriptif précis de cette croisière et les prix : à chacun des cousins de régler ensuite directement le montant de la croisière auprès de la compagnie et de me contacter, en français, allemand ou anglais pour me dire qui viendra, à combien et à quelles dates. Il y a une demi-journée libre prévue dans cette croisière : que dirais-tu que jorganise une visite du Louvre avec une conférencière en anglais ? Il faudra alors prévoir un supplément optionnel. Jespère vivement que tu valideras cette proposition dont lidée me réjouit déjà. A bientôt de te lire, Cécile Raczynski 
Wednesday, October 15, 2014   
Princess Maria Sviatopolk-Mirski     von Engelhardt Family     I was very pleased to have come across this your very interesting website. My great (x4) grandfather is Baron Vassily Vassilievich von Engelhardt. Do you know of any of the von Engelhardts listed on site who may also be directly descended from Baron Vassily Vassilievich von Engelhardt? He was the owner of the famous Engelhardt House in St. Petersburg, Russia. I would be most grateful if you could share any information about the von Engelhardt side of my family history. I thank you in advance, and look forward to your reply. Princess Maria Sviatopolk-Mirski/London xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Madame la Princesse Sorry I did not get to your message until now but it is now visible on the site and maybe someone will be able to help. Cheers Sander K October 14, 2014  
www.myheritage.com Wednesday, October 15, 2014   
Carl Heinrich Campen     Family tree     I am working on my family tree and would like to join the site. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sorry, the private part of this family website is password protected. Sanderk Webmaster 
Wednesday, October 15, 2014   
Alexander Keyserlingk     Draft for seal ring?     Id like to let produce a seal ring with the keyserlingk coat of arms /shield and would be thankful if one of you had an idea for a draft for the jeweler. I think it should be reduced to the palm tree somehow, as the original would be too "complicated" and detailed to work as a seal ring. Thank you for your mail with ideas, drafts, pictures. 
www,slowretail.de Friday, December 27, 2013   
Tonie Waters     Information on the Baron Ernst von der Recke family     Baroness Anna von der Recke, daughter of Baron Ernst von der Recke was my great great grandmother. We understand that Ernst and family emigrated to Germany. In the late 1800s daughter Anna married a Danish banker, Peter Arntzen who was also the chapel organist at Frederiksborg Castle, where they lived. Two of their children were twin daughters who were ladies-in-waiting to the Danish princesses. The twins were also students at the Royal Danish Ballet. Do you have any information on this family during the time period in Russia before arriving in Germany and just prior to the 1900s? Im just beginning to try a family tree. Thank you for your help. Your web site is wonderful, I could spend hours on it! Its my hope that you may be able to help me if you would be so kind. Thank you. Regards, Tonie Waters xxxxxxx Tonie Thanks for the nice comments on the Keyserlingk.info website. If you want to get complete information on the von der Recke family, I believe it would be best to check their family website. If they are not helpful, try the Baltische Ritterschaft Verein which holds the records on the Baltic Noble families. I intend to start to work on the von der Recke family tree also so maybe we can work together. My mother was a born von der Recke. Cheers Sander Keyserlingk 
Thursday, December 5, 2013   
Marek Gluszko     Nachkommen von Kuno Ropp und Stephanie Spaginski     Guten Tag, ich suche die Nachkommen des Ehepaars Kuno von Ropp und Stephanie Spaginski. Sie hatten die Tochter Sieglinde, geb. 1928 in Libau. Gibt es eine Chance, die Vervandten von Sieglinde zu finden? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Leider habe ich nicht merh Information da keine von den von der Ropp hat sich hierueber gemeldet. Sander Keyserlingk Ich wäre Ihnen dankbar für Anregungen, die mir weiterhelfen könnten. mfG Marek Gluszko Marek, Ich habe Ihr Email weiter an einen von der Ropp geleitet. 
Thursday, May 16, 2013   
Geir Rosset     Count H.H. Keyserling     I am doing research for a book on whale oil factory ships and I am looking for any and all information on the ship "Michail". Can anybody help me? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Geir I cannot help you on this but I am forwarding your email to Rock Brynner, the son of Yul Brenner who teaches history and who works closely with the city of Vladivostock. Perhaps he could shine some light on your subject. I am not sure that the ship Michail belonged to my grand-father, Henry the Whaler but I may be mistaken. Cheers Sander Keyserlingk 
Thursday, May 16, 2013   
christina palmatier     Von Seckendorf Crest     my nana was a von seckendorf, and my greatgrandpa was baron Von seckendorf. I wanted to see pics of the crest. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Christina, You can see several variations of the Seckendorf crest at: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Coats_of_arms_of_Seckendorff_family I would love to be able to complete the descendant of your grandfather. Please show me how you are related to him and then we can make the connection and include you in the family website. I am also sending you this by email. Cheers Sander Keyserlingk 
Tuesday, November 13, 2012   
Baron Heyking aka Igor de Heyking-Tcherniak     Seeking any connections between Keyserlingk family &Heyking family     Greetings, I am just curious to find a picture on Google images of a relation of the Keyserlingk family whilst searching for photographs of my family the Heykings. My grandfather was Baron Alphonse Heyking and he was an international working for the League of Nations and prior to that was Consul General for Imperial Russia in London. Estates which were confiscated by the Communists were located near Jelgava originally called Mitau in Courland now Latvia. I would be interested in any information you may have on any connections between our two families as I am working on the geneology of the Heyking family. Best wishes Igor Baron Heyking xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am sorry but I have no further information than what you see on the website. Sander Keyserlingk 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
Tilman     Foto     Ich wäre Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie mein Bild wieder herausnehmen würden und es anschließend löschen. Ich bitte Sie dies zu tuen, da sie es ohne meine Erlaubnis gemacht haben und ich Ihnen nicht das Bild zur Verfügung gestellt habe! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ich habe Ihr Bild geloescht. Sander 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
Laura Kiddell Phegley     Laura von Grotthuss     Laura von Grotthuss was my grandmother after whom I am named. I just happened on this web sight and noticed there was not much info on her. Would like to try to get more info if I can. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Laura, Check out the site as it shows the information. Cheers, Sander 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
HAZRAN ASYRAF HAKIMI     Charlotte Marie Quistorp     Greetings to all. My name is Hazran Asyraf, and Im from Malaysia. I would like to know if my great great great great great grandmother, Charlotte Marie Quistorp, who married Ernst Moritz Arndt, is a family member to this family. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks. I have sent your question on to Achim von Quitorp as I find no connection of your ancestor and Keyserlingk. Cheers. Alexander Keyserlingk. 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
Alex von Rahden     web page     Love the web site,there is a von Rahden/keyserlingk marriage in there somewhere. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alex, I sent you the card showing the marriage of a von Rahden with a von Keyserlingk. Sander, April 17, 2012.  
Monday, October 15, 2012   
Jacky Farrell     Comtesse Cecile Keyserlingk (Richard) Ouellette     Hi Cissy! Its Jacky Farrell from Edinburgh School. Were planning a reunion in August and everyone would love to see you. Please write me at the email adress above. I hope all is well! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I sent your request on to Cissy for her to answer, Sander Keyserlingk, October 2012 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
von Keyserlingk, Christiane     Daten zum Stammbaum     Ich bin die Ehefrau von Hans-Jürgen von Keyserlingk,(geb.1959). Er ist der Sohn von Werner von Keyserlingk. Unsere Daten sind wohl entstanden, als wir in Dresden gewohnt haben. Inzwischen leben wir in Berlin und ich glaube ich könnte einige Daten zum Stammbaum hinzufügen. Außerdem suche ich die Schwester meines Schwiegervaters "Gisela von Keyserlingk". Vielleicht können Sie mir helfen. Falls Sie Interesse haben bitte ich um eine e-mail. Danke. Gruß von Keyserlingk. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Antwort: Christiane, ich habe Dich direkt per email geantwortet, Sander , 14 Okt 2012 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
Ruprecht von Gwinner     correction of my name     Please correct my name: Ruprecht and not Rupprecht. Also my wifes name was Maria Schmauz and not Schmaus. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I have made the corrections you requested, Sander Oct. 14/2012 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
Kathy Kiddell     Family     I look forward to all the info I can find about my family here. all I knew was my Grandfather was a baron and my Grandmother was a baronesse. I think it will be wonderfull to learn more about them.ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Thanks Kathy, I have added your data into the website. Cheers, Sander 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
Peter Richard Augustus Kern     Decendents of Irmgard Louise Jenny Elizabeth VonKeyserlingk     Irmgard Loiuse Elizabeth Von Keyserlingk married Johannes Ernst Kern. They had four children, Marlo Irmgard Katherine,Hand Ewald,Elizabeth Charlotte and Margaret Mable. Hans Ewald married Ida Offland Gilpin and they had two children, Marlo Elizabeth and Peter Richard Augustus.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Thanks, Richard, I have taken note of these persons in the site. Cheers. Sander Keyerlingk 
Monday, October 15, 2012   
Ondine     Kontakt     Gibt es eine Email-Adresse für eine Kontaktaufnahme generell? Für allgemeine Anfragen? Leider funktioniert die Adresse intmet@vsnl.com NICHT! Bitte um Rückmeldung!xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sie koennen meine Email benuetzen:sanderkey@aol.com Alexander Graf Keyserlingk 
www.ondine.net Monday, October 15, 2012   
Wilfried Frhr.v.wechmar     Ahnentafeln     In Ihrem Programm wird folgendes unsinniges angegeben in Bezug auf meine Person: Bei Paul Yver (1934) (Ehemann von Alice Renata Erika Anny von Bogen)wird unter Verwandtschaft angegeben: Ehemann of Wilfried Gebhard usw. Auch bei Massud Hadawi (Schiras.1935) (Ehemann von Alice Renata Erika Anny von Bogen)wird angegeben: Ehemann von Wilfried Gebhard usw. Bei Elena Vanessa von Bogen wird als Vater angegeben: Wilfried Frhr.v.Wechmar. Es muß natürlich heißen: Massud Hadawi. Ich habe diese falschen Angaben mehrfach angemahnt, sie zu ändern, leider bislang noch ohne Erfolg. Ich freue mich auf eine Antwort jetzt. 13.07.2011 W.v.Wechmar Sehr geehreter Freiherr von Wechmar. Auf dieser WebSeite, Ehemaener und Frauen werden gezeigt awischen Klammern mit dem Name der Person. Bei Alice Rennata es heisst dass sie 3 Ehemaene hatte. Stimmt dies? Alexander Graf Keyserlingk. 
Tuesday, April 17, 2012   
Kimberly Mace     List of Keyserlingk servants circa 1888-1894     Believe my ancestor was a seamstress who lived at the Neustadt castle of Heinrich & Cecile Von Keyserlingk during the week and was allowed to go home on weekends. Is there a ledger available detailing servants names for above time period? Her name was Anastasia Elwart (maiden) or Reikowski (married.) Thank you.cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Kimberely, Sorry I do not have access to such documentation. You may need to contact local authorities who would have kept such records. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
NONE Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Jeff Ward     Von Barondorf Family     I am looking for information on the Von Barondorf and Hopstein Families. Thank you.-JWfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Sorry, I cannot help you on these names. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Inta Dislere     Güter- und Familiengeschichte in Kurland     6.02.2012 Sehr geehrte Familie v. Keyserlingk, ich bin Mitarbeiterin des Museums Tukums in Kurland/Lettland. Ich bitte Sie, erlauben Sie mir Zugang zu Ihrer Familiengeschichte und -Genealogie. Hochachtungsvoll Inta Dislereddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd Liebe Inta, die Familiengeschichte sind offen auf der Website. Gruese, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Hal C     Albert E. Von Keyserlingk b.     A very informative web-site. I am trying to locate information on my Great Grandfather Albert E Von Keyserlingk b.25 Mar 1886 in New York. Married Caroline Yung. Father believed to be Albert. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Hal, I hope we have resolved this question. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Hal C     Albert E. Von Keyserlingk b.     A very informative web-site. I am trying to locate information on my Great Grandfather Albert E Von Keyserlingk b.25 Mar 1886 in New York. Married Caroline Yung. Father believed to be Albert. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank youaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hal, we have now met so that the information is now on the site. Cheers, Sander. Welcome the new cousins. 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Sander Keyserlingk     Elisabeth Manteuffel     The only Elisabeth Manteuffel I find is : ELISABETH CATHARINA BARONESSE VON MANTEUFFEL who married JOHANN HERMANN FREIHERR KEYSERLINGK. Is this the one you mean? 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Margrit von Kleist     wife of Aribert Baron v.Kleist     My daughter Christiane is married to Paul Bernard. It is falsly added to my name! I have corrected this. Sander. 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
robert neff     Korean Whaling     I came across your site while searching for some information for an article on early whaling operations in Korea during the late 19th century. Would like to contact Robert Keyserling and share some information - I believe you have my email address above. Robert, as you may know, brother Robert passed away a few years ago. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Artem V. Vasiliev     von Pfeilitzer genannt Franck     Dear friends, Im a descendant of von Pfeilitzer genannt Franck family (my grandmother was von Franck) living in Russia and studying the family history. Im in search of some relatives of those ancestors who emigrated from Kurland/Russia about a hundred years ago, in time of Revolution. Cause, you know, all the male-name-bearers already gone, and in time, were risking to lost the rest females-memories, too. Of course, all the Keyserlingks may be considered as Pfeilitzers as well, being descendants of Anna von Pfeilitzer gen. Franck. But Im especially interested in some nearest relatives mentioned on this website..... Like, for example, grandchildren of George Leo von Pfeilitzer gen. Franck and Theodora von Drachenfels (now - Bicker, von Bismarck, von Hoyningen gen. Huene, von Rosenstiel, von Wahl, etc.) - and also many other families who remember their Pfeilitzers-Great...Grandmothers from the XIX century. As I can see, the info about many Georges and Theodoras children was updated on this website in November, 2010. So, it seems that someone is behind.....? Would be great to get in touch! With kindest greetings from Moscow, Artem 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
christiano von schaaffhausen     looking for freiherr von edelsheim     i have fotos from parents von edelsheim druing the first war. Christiano, Do please send me copies. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Allan Huglstad     informations     I am looking for informations about Major und Standortältester Graf Keyserlingk, who was a batallion commander in thebarracks of the little town of Vordingborg in the southern part of the island of Zealand, Denmark. He left with his unit on April the 17th 1941. His division, 269 ID, went to East Prussia and participated in the attack on the Sovietunion on june the 22nd. What happened with him. I do not know his forname, but I am interested in his history for my new book about the 2 WW/the occupation of Denmark. Allan Huglstad, author, historian, major Allan I am sorry I have no further information on this person. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Liga     Von Behr connection     Hi! Im searching for info on my great-great-grandfather Baron Von Behr from Wahrenbrock (Vârnava) mansion in Latvia. I am a descendant of his illegitimate son (Kârlis, b. July 1891). All I know, Freiherr von Behr had a daughter Angela who comiited suicide at 20 years of age, following her love affair with a gardner. Ive been searching to find the Barons name but with no success. My grandparents have passed on long time ago, and my mother only remembered this information. I came across this web site and saw a lot of Von Behrs here, and Im hoping that someone might point me in the right direction. Thank you, and thumbs up on the great web site! Dear Lga I am sorry I have no further information on your ancestor. You may have to contact the local authorities who may have kept records on this person. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Nicholas v. Corff     family connections     wonderful web site 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Ellen Exner     Heinrich Christian Reichsgraf Keyserling Rautenburg     I am working on some music-historical research and am wondering a couple of things: 1) How/when is the Keyserlingk family connected to the Grotthuss family, and 2) is there a published source of information regarding the birthdate of Heinrich Christian Reichsgraf von Keyserling? He was the son of the famous "Goldberg Variations" Keyserlingk. Thanks so much!


Dear Ellen, I copy below the personal card of Heinrich Christian Keyserling. It shows his birthyear. If you need the actual date, I would look that up in our documentation. I you want to see the realtionship between Keyserlingks and Grotthuss, you can use the relationship finder on the family website at: www.keyserlingk.info There are a lot of cross connections between the families. Cheers Alexander Graf Keyserlingk, webmaster. 

http://keyserlingk.info/default.asp?case=GUESTBOOK&city=FAMILY Saturday, April 7, 2012   
elva perdigon prieto     myrna balaguer keyserlingk     I am getting information about Myrna Balaguer Keyserlink who I think used to be my childhood friend back in the Philippines.Thank you. You are welcome, Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Susan Skyvington     Contact Baronin Gisela von Keyserlingk     Hello, I was Susan Dalton, mother of Saul and Ben, we were all friends in Kaduna, Nigeria. I would like to contact Gisela von Keyserlingk as I have lost contact with her, since she visited us in Australia 11 years ago. I sent your request on to Gisela and hope she has contacted you. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Thilko     Leo Karl Baron von der Recke     Dear friends, for school I need to find out many information about Leo Karl Baron von der Recke, where can I get more information about him, can I be a member of this homepage? Thilko Thilko, I have no more info on Karl than what you see on the website. Check out the von der Recke website for more. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Brandon     Love the site!     A friend at work told me about this website and I am super impressed! The family tree and relationship finder are amazing. I have always been curious to know how I was related to other members of the Keyserlings. I will strongly suggest that my family visit the site and update their bios. Many thanks! 
http://www.ironfurnace.com Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Shelley Henderson     Family     Good website, enjoy it. Am now In New Zealand, are there any cousins or family members here. Live in Auckland CBD. Shelly, You need only do a search on the K.onfo website by country and you will see there are several cousins in Australia and New Zealand. Cheers, Sander 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
von Bogen, Hellmuth     Ergänzungen zum Stammbaum     Meine E-Mail an sanderkey.com gelangte leider nicht an diese Adresse. Darin hatte ich das Angebot gemacht, Ergänzungen u. Korrekturen zum ST der Keyserlingks zu liefern. Meine Großmutter ist eine geb. v. Keyserlingk. Vielleicht gelingt der Kontakt auf diesem Wege. Mit frdl. Gruß, H. v. Bogen 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
JoAnn     Recke Family     I am just looking for the Recke family from Latvia. Wm. & Fritz were brothers. I think they came to America in 1905. I keep coming up with a blank as far as the Recke name from Latvia. Can you help. 
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Thies Recke     ...ja ja, die Reckes!     Es kann nicht zufällig sein das ich auch Baron bin oder???  
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
John Nuttall     A O A von Ungern-Sternberg     Are you the Alex that I knew at St Johns College Oxford, 1968 to 1971? St Johns have just sent out a list of people from that era that they have lost contact with, and I thought Alex cant be difficult to find. However, I wasnt expecting to find such a magnificant web site. And even now I dont have the courage to speak to you in German! John I am Alexander Keyserlingk and not you long lost school pal. Cheers  
Saturday, April 7, 2012   
Laura Kalva     Babe Selvit (Zelfit?)     She was a grandmother of my granny.Born in Sweden.Later lived in Latvia 
Saturday, June 4, 2011   
Melker Ghazala     Elisabeth von Manteuffel     Elisabeth was married,1727, to Michael Bartelt,Langenhagen Estate,Pommern, How was she related to the Earl von Keyserlingk, Castle Rautenburg und Schonwies, East Prussia. Please 
www.ghazala.se Saturday, March 26, 2011   
Colin Snow     Paul Telsen Schniewind Weller     Paul Telsen Schniewind Weller was a friend and classmate of mine in Easton, CT on te 60s. Paul: greetings from San Jose, CA 
Wednesday, March 2, 2011   
Natalia Bogdanyuk     Felix von der Ropp     Felix von der Ropps children: Ade (death 1888 in Motovilikha), Felix (death 1891 in Motovilikha), Sophia (death 1891 in Sankt-Peterburg) 
Saturday, January 15, 2011   
Natalia Bogdanyuk     Felix von der Ropp     Im searching any information about Felix von der Ropp 
Saturday, January 15, 2011   
Karl Cerni     Karen van Bavel von Finckensten     Karen was one of my classmates in Nido de Aguilas in Chile. I found this website when I was trying to track her down. Karen, greetings from New York 
Saturday, January 15, 2011   
Sara Remhild     Baron Stephen Keyburg de Ropp     I found your website while looking up info on my grandfather. He was born in Latvia, lived in Poland, Russia and US. Ran 1939 Polish Pavillion at Worlds Fair. Any info would be appreciated 
Tuesday, March 18, 2008   
Annemarie Bryan     Genealogy on German Ancestors     Your website absolutely fascinating A few years back, I began research on my Reischl & Furst lines (grandparents emigrated from Bavaria ca 1885) aided by Bistums Archiv in Passau, I traced to 16th century. Your website a revelation. Thanks for sharing. Annemarie Bryan (IFC retiree)  
Friday, January 11, 2008   
Margrit von Kleist     grandson Evan     My grandson Evan, my daughters son, would like to spend 9 - 10 months in Germany to learn the language and maybe work if possible. He finishes school (Abitur) in June 2008 and will be 18 at that time. He speaks English, French and understands a little German but does not speak it. He would like to be in different families for a certain time. I would very much appreciate, if anybody has some suggestion and let me know. Ich bin die Frau von Aribert Kleist, Sohn der Barbara v.Kleist Keyserlinck, (meine Schwiegermutter) Mit herzlichem Dank im Vorraus, Magrit Vorraus 
Monday, January 7, 2008   
Peter Dregalla     DRYGALLA Family Tree     I am the great grandson of Gottfried and Suzanna Dregalla.(DRYGALLA) They came to the United States from Germany in 1895 with several of their children including my grandfather Carl Herman Dregalla. My grandfather was 12 yrs old when he came over and my great grand parents were about 40 yrs old. The family name in Germany was spelled DRYGALLA but was changed to DREGALLA when the arrived in the U.S. If anyone has done some DRYGALLA geneology and can help me find aditional information and help me locate other relatives I would appreciate it. Thank you, Pete Dregalla 
Wednesday, January 2, 2008   
Rose Marie Homeyer-Bente'     Looking for family     My father is William Charles Homeyer Sr. He came to America in the 1920s. Born in Germany in Hanover. Are there any Homeyers in this line? I am sure that his origional name might have been more German in origin. Please let me know. Thank you. 
Sunday, December 30, 2007   
Hiltrud Wollhöwer geb. Gieseler     Eintrag/ Vervollständigung     Hallo, mein Name ist Hiltrud Wollhöwer geborene Gieseler. Ich bin die Tochter von Beatrice Theresia von Bogen und Gernot Rudolf Arndt Gieseler. Seit 28.05.2004 bin ich mit Michael Wollhöwer verheiratet und wir haben einen Sohn Nikolas geb. am 7.10.2004. Wir Leben in Bonn am Rhein. Dies zur Information und Vervollständigung des Stammbaumes. Die E-mail Adresse darf veröffentlicht werden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Bonn Hiltrud Gieseler 
Sunday, December 16, 2007   
Rita Stumper, geb. v. Harpe     Baltic aristocracy     I am overwhelmed by the amount and extent of information on your website. Thanks for making all this so public. After searching and searching, I have to come to the conclusion that I DO NOT have Keyserling DNA, even though I have always believed to be related in some obscure way to ALL Balts of the Estlandische Ritterschaft and beyond. If one tries hard enough, one eventually finds some common forebearers!! Forebearers of mine include such families as Mühlen, Dehn, Bremen, Ungern-Sternberg, Grünewaldt, Zoege von Manteuffel, Parrot, Ramm, Bock, Drücker, Dücker, Maydell, Rennenkampff, Mohrenschildt, Rosenbach, Middendorff, Stackelberg, Brevern, Engelhardt, Rosen, Wrangell, etc. . . Thanks for considering the female lineage and being so liberal. 
Monday, November 26, 2007   
Robert Dupuis     Searching for letters/photos from my late grandaunt Harriet Siderowna.von Rathlef-Keilmann and her good friend Alexej Alexandrovich Prince Schirinsky Schikmatoff     Hello, for the monographical work about my late grandaunt Harriet Ellen Siderowna von Rathlef-Keilmann I'm searching for documents/photos, specially also from her good friend Prince Alexej Alexandrovich Schirinsky-Schikmatoff, who lived 1927 near Koenigsberg/Eastprussia on the castle of the Dohna-family. Both, my grandaunt and Prince Schirinsky, were involfed into the affairs of the false Grandduchy Anastasia, alias Anna Schanzkowska, alias Tschaikowsky, alias Anna Anderson. My late grandaunt had the plan, to emigrat in April/May 1933 from Berlin to Paris. But she died on May 1, 1933 (her parents, my late greatggrandparents the "Erblicher Ehrenbürger" and surgeon dentist Isidor Philipovich Keilmann and the dentistc Eugenie Jakobovna, nee Kantorovich were killed by the nazis into the ghetto Riga/Latvia and her youngest brother, my late grandfather the paedriatrican Dr. med. Nikolai Alexander Sidorovich Keilmann was killed on March 30, 1942 into the concentration camp Stutthof near Danzig). I'm also searching for all lost art-works of my late grandaunt Harriet. It was told, that after her death on May 1, 1933 all her art-works (sculptures, reliefs, graphics, paintings etc.) were taken out of her atelier in Berlin-Schoeneberg (addr.: An der Apostelkirche 14) to her good friends. Please contact me, if you have any interesting document. Thanks a lot for your kind help! Sincerely Robert Dupuis Weichselstraße 52 D-12045 Berlin Germany 
Wednesday, August 22, 2007   
Sabine Meyer     birthname Sabine Sponholz     There is Sabine Sponholz born in Mainz 1959. I am Sabine Sponholz born in Braunschweig 1960 father Dieter Otto Ernst Sponholz Grandfather Wilhelm Sponholz - please let me know how you proof the palm tree and the listed Persons? 
Sunday, August 19, 2007   
Alena von Stryk     Very interesting     Hi, I'm 16 years old and from germany. I found this site, when I search for my own name by google. I didn't know there's a relationship between my family (von Stryk) and the Keyerlingks. But this site is very interesting because I love it to search for my relatives. Thanks^^  
Tuesday, July 24, 2007   
Hans Spiecker     Additional entries?     I am one of the children of Ruth von Buchholtz Spiecker and if you are interested I could add the names of her children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. 
Monday, April 30, 2007   
Hanna Garshin     Cyril von der Ropp     I am looking for the fate of Kyil (Cyril) Garshin. His father was Mykhail Garshin and mother Lucie-Eveline Helene von der Ropp. Any information would be appreciated. 
Monday, April 30, 2007   
von Ascheberg, Michel     The von Ascheberg family      While working on my family genealogy, I came upon your site which is very well made and which deserves praise. The relationship between our families is very slim or almost non exitant since I am of the Russian branch of the von Ascheberg family. Nevertheless, since I am trying to rebuild the whole family tree, your site gave me informtation which I was missing. Thank you for such thorough work. Michel von Ascheberg (Paris France) 
Monday, April 30, 2007   
Karen Urick     Barron Friedrich von der Osten-Sacken     What a wonderful web site! I am looking for Barron Friedrich von der Osten-Sacken b. 13 Jul 1862 in Russia/Latvia/Germany. He came to the United States about 1882. He never spoke of his family in Europe nor did he allow any talk about his family. How would I learn who is parents and brothers and sisters were? If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it. Thank You. 
Monday, April 30, 2007   
lisa fedjuschina     familieres interesse     schöne seite und ich bin an meiner familiengeschichte interressiert und an leuten die in zürich leben ps. mutter geb. von keyserling 
www.lesunja-design.ch Monday, April 30, 2007   
Julie Koester (Bearman)     Trying to find family     My maiden name is Koester and my grandparents' names are Vernon William Koester and Gertrude Koester. I know they were both from Germany, but both have died and I do not know the family history. They both lived in Indiana (USA) and my grandmother spoke fluent German. Her maiden name was Scheub. 
Monday, April 30, 2007   
Georg Eggers     50jähriger Abschluss Landwirtschaftsschule Preetz      Bitte teilen Sie Herrn Gebhard Klaus Gert Walter (Mary Claire Ashworthy/Corinne Bateman) Graf Keyserlingk Die obige Nachricht mit. Falls er Interesse an Kontakt hat über Email oder Tel.: 04526/8730 
Monday, April 30, 2007   
Klaus J. Bracker     Adalbert Graf von Keyserlingk     Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich schätze mich glücklich, dass Adalbert Graf und Gerda Gräfin von Keyserlingk, die ich Ende der 80er Jahre in Oeschelbronn kennen lernte, mir Freundschaft zeigten. Meine heutige Frage bezieht sich auf das Familien-Wappen der Skene of Skene, dem Geschlecht, dem Johanna Gräfin von Keyserlingk, die Mutter Adalberts, entstammte. Adalbert und Gerda sprachen zu mir darüber, ich habe es aber nie zu Gesicht bekommen. Könnten Sie mir via E-Mail eine Abbildung zukommen lassen? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Klaus J. Bracker ………………………………………… Sender: Klaus J. Bracker Kurze Strasse 3 D-21258 Heidenau (near Hamburg) Germany Tel.: ++ 49 (0)4182-959404 E-Mail: klaus_j_bracker@online.de … Klaus J. Bracker Merkurstrasse 17 D-75417 Muehlacker (near Stuttgart) Germany Tel.: ++ 49 (0)7042-812452 E-Mail: klaus_j_bracker@online.de 
Monday, April 30, 2007   
Alexander Graf von der Pahlen     Ich suche nach Geschichtlichem Hintergrund von meiner Familie     Ehrlich möchte ich mehr über meine Familie erfahren und was meine Vorfahren so alles gemacht haben und alles auf die beine gestellt haben. 
Wednesday, February 28, 2007   
Dorothy Elizabeth Persic     New Entry     Great site - thank you for all the work! I'm the daughter of Isabella Keyserlingk and would like to add details of my family. Am I able to do that or do I need to send in please? 
Wednesday, February 28, 2007   
judith schaefer     ich suche fotos von meiner enkelin     leider durfte ich bis heute nicht meine im august gebor.enkelin amelie julia elisabeth comtesse keyserlingk sehen.ich würde mich besonders freuen über paar fotos.vielen dank 
Friday, February 9, 2007   
Patrick McDade     Art     In 1964, I visited the United Nations In New York and bought a raffle ticket for a 'Save The Children' Fund. I was one of the winners and received a larg painting 'Ballet Backdrop' done by Victor De Keyserling. I have tried to trace the Artist over the years without success. Hopefully this site might provide me with some background information on Victor. Thanks 
Wednesday, November 29, 2006   
Sabine Kolkhorst-Teich     ich suche Alexandra v.Keyserlingk geboren 13.12.1955     Ich suche schon seit Jahren nach dir.Unsere Freundschaft und gemeinsame Schulzeit in Ottersberg Freie Rudolf Steiner Schule hatte uns sehr verbunden.Ich freue mich riesig, wenn du dich meldest. Liebe Grüße Sabine 
Saturday, November 11, 2006   
Alexander Efimoff     möchtegern mehr über meine Herkunft wissen     Gemäß meiner Geburtsurkunde war meine Mutter Gisela Alma Frida Freiin von Keyserlingk - zum Zeitpunkt meiner Geburt 1955 wohnhaft in Ranstadt/Hessen/Deutschland. Sie soll einen Bruder gehabt haben, dessen Vornake mir nicht bekannt ist - zu o.g. Zeitpunkt soll er in oder bei Aschaffenburg gelebt haben. Mein Vater war Alexander Ferdinand Arcadius von Efimoff geb. 28.5.1920 in Brünn/Tschechien gest.2001 Ich konnte den Namen in der Liste leider nicht finden. Ich würde mich über Informationen freuen. 
Monday, October 9, 2006   
Renate Heep, Essen NRW     Antiquitäten     Guten Tag, ich suche Barbara Gräfin Keyserlingk (Barbara von Ritgen) früher Krefeld . Letzte bekannte Adresse in Dresden. Antiquitätenhandel mit Jose Ladron de Guevara in der Villa Malten. Wer kann mir mitteilen, wo ich Gräfin Keyserlingk erreichen kann. Vielen Dank.  
Monday, October 9, 2006   
Earl R. Ewers     Baltic History     Looking inot baltic history as my maternal grandparents - Lutherans - came from southern Zemgale to Australia 100 years ago. 
Monday, October 9, 2006   
Irene Newhouse     Fanny Graefin von Keyserlingk oo von Batocki-Friebe     Your site says no descendants found. Her son Max Johann Otto Adolf Tortilowicz von Batocki-Friebe has an extensive entry in Wikipedia! If someone knows her husband's parents' names, I'd be very grateful. 
Monday, October 9, 2006   
Nicola von Rosen     family     Thanks for all your hard work and energy in putting this website together. Our family is going to Latvia and Estonia this August. It will be exciting to finally see Mesothen where my mother was born. If you want to add 2 more children and 3 more grandchildren to Gerhard and Xenia (princess Lieven), here are the details. Ernest, Tamara (you already have),next comes Baronesse Alexandra Barbara von Rosen 1968 Vancouver, next is Baronesse Nicola Marie Xenia von Rosen 1971 Vancouver. Tamara married Doug Rae and they have Nicholas 1997 and Andrew 1999. Alexandra married Martin Richards and they have Annika 2005. I hope this is helpful to you. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer. 
Friday, August 18, 2006   
Alfred von Baehr     The Baehr Facts     Greetings, dear Count: This site lacks a rational discussion about the great service of "Germanic Nobility" to the greatness of the north-eastern european peoples. The younger generations see the past nobles as ephemeral leeches, or at best as opportunistic servants of corrupt governments. We do not need another self-adoration site on the web. My family, like thousandas of others, contributed for centuries to the welfare and security of peoples of many nations. Any rational perusal of the Constitutions of Frederick II, and allied documents and letters, will prove beyound a doubt that our nobles facilitated the greatness of Europe. My website is in progress, but once complete ir will be called the "The Baehr Facts." With warmest regards to all, Alfred Otto Albert, B.v.B. 
Sunday, June 25, 2006   
Monika Ehrentraut     Berlin 1945     Am 3.Februar 1945 starben bei einem Bombenangriff auf Berlin die Angehörigen von Juristen, die für die nordirische CARBUROL gearbeitet haben. Diese Patenteverwertungsgesellschaftvertrat die Interessen der Braunkohlen-Benzin AG (BRABAG). Niemand will diese Patentanwälte kennen, die als Adlige mit in Irland geborenen Frauen verheiratet waren und deren noch kleine Kinder am Kriegsende fast ausschließlich anglo-irisch sprachen. Wer kann Auskunft geben über verschollene, adlige Juristen aus der Großindustrie mit Zentralen in Berlin ? Danke für jede Hilfe. 
Sunday, June 25, 2006   
Axel Lehnigk     Loewenklau, Wiednitz     Sind sie ionterresseiert an alten Schriftstücken von Baron d. Orville von Löwenklau Rittergutsbesitzer in Wiednitz ? 
Sunday, June 25, 2006   
tumul     testing     testing for publishing  
Friday, March 10, 2006   
arianoff     arkady     dear Count, Do you know Margaritta von der Palhen, the spouse of a Russian guy Philippe Alexandrovitch NAME ???, living in Russia circa 1820 . Thanks and Best regards 
Friday, March 10, 2006   
Baumann Barbara      ehemalige Bekannte     Für Albrecht Elgar Nikolas v. Keyserlingk Hallo Bebutz, durch einen Zufall bin ich beim Surfen auf Euren Familienstammbaum getroffen.Vielleicht erinnerst Du Dich gar nicht mehr an uns.Es war kurz nach dem Mauerbau in Berlin.Ihr ,Bernd und Du kamt uns öfters in Pankow (Ost-Berlin)besuchen.Mein Name war damals Barbara Pawlicki. Vielleicht meldest Du Dich mal falls Du diese Nachricht erhältst.Alles Gute B A R B A R A  
Tuesday, February 7, 2006   
Sophie Spano     Photo     Hi Sander, it's Sophie, how are you? I noticed that there is still that icky picture of me on this site, if you don't have time to change it would you mind just removing it, it's a bit embarassing... Anyways, I understand if you're too busy but maybe when you have time it would be good. Thanks, ciao! P.S if you don't have any pictures of me, I can e-mail you one:) 
www.piczo.com/snowpeacoco Friday, January 27, 2006   
Puppe Hahn     family     toll gemacht 
sehr gut Tuesday, January 17, 2006   
lara von Rahden     the von Rahden's     i would really appreciate it if anyone can give me any information on my family. I live in South Africa. Thanks 
Wednesday, December 21, 2005   
lara von Rahden     the von Rahden's     i would really appreciate it if anyone can give me any information on my family. I live in South Africa. Thanks 
Wednesday, December 21, 2005   
Zarah Penner     Family Updates     Hello!!! I am about to be married, and would like to update the side of the family re/ Paul von Hahn's descendants (I am one of the grandchildren). Please contact me at the e-mail I provided. Merry Christmas!!! 
http://ca.geocities.com/zarahandmike Tuesday, December 13, 2005   
Ursula Wertheim-Schäfer     Graalburcht. (Gralburg).     ich habe gehört, dass das in holländisch noch erhältliche Buch Johanna von Keyserlingks "Graalburcht. (Gralburg).-een innerlijke Parzivalstocht. unter dem deutschen Titel vergriffen sei. Allerdings finde ich den deutschen Titel nicht. Einen weiterein Titel "Die Reise nach Byzanz" konnte dank Ihrer Buchliste ermitteln und werde es in den nächsten Tagen in den Händen halten. I heard that into Dutch still available book the Johanna of Keyserlingks "Graalburcht. (innerlijke Parzivalstocht. under the German title Gralburg). is out of print. However I didn't find the German title. A further title "the journey after Byzanz" I found owing to your book list and in the next days I will hold in my hands.  
Saturday, December 3, 2005   
Kees Kromme     Gralburg     Gralburg, 1968, Hilfswerk Elisabeth, Stuttgart 
Saturday, November 5, 2005   
Shannon     Garrett     Hi all. I have been searching for Gaby's contact info. I would really like to re-connect with her. If you wouldn't mind, could you forward anything that might be of assistance? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much and love you all ~ Shannon Garrett South Carolin 864 836 0011 
Tuesday, November 1, 2005   
Jason Mark     Ernst-Eberhard Baron von Haaren     Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, I am trying to establish contact with the family of Ernst-Eberhard Kurt Baron von Haaren, born 25.03.1920 in Berlin, vermißt January 1943 in Stalingrad. Maybe his brother Adolf (Dolf) born in 1922 is still alive. I would very much like to find Feldpostbriefe or any other information Ernst Eberhard sent from Stalingrad in October 1942 to January 1943. It will be very useful for my resarch. Please contact me via e-mail. Many thanks!  
http://www.leapinghorseman.com Tuesday, October 25, 2005   
Ottfried von Finckenstein     Fuenfkirchen     Ich bin der Sohn des Schriftstellers und habe alle Daten. Bittenehmen Sie Kontakt mit mir auf.Meine e-mail ist grashina@sympatico.ca. Mit freundlichen Gruessen, Ottfried Graf Finckenstein Junior. 
Thursday, September 29, 2005   
Debby Visser     Benita and Andre Van Bavel     I'm looking for contact information for Benita and Andre, great friends from many years ago in Santiago. I plan to be in Chile this November and would love to find them. Many thanks!  
Saturday, September 24, 2005   
Helmut Riedel     D'Orville von Löwenclau     Hallo, ich bin auf der suche nach allen Daten zur Familie D'Orville von Löwenklau. Mein Ahne dieses Namens war Peter Friedrich von Löwenklau, vermutlich Gutsbesitzer in Wiednitz. Näheres bitte auf meiner HP und in dessen Forum. Es Grüßt aus Niederösterreich Helmut 
http://www.riedel-dynastie-sachsen.net Friday, September 16, 2005   
Henrik Baron von Koskull     Astere     Have you visited Astere/Poikern near Libazi in Latvia?Poikern and Napkull belonged to my ancestors in the 14th-15th century. I visited Astere last week and there was a very interesting ruin of a castle.  
Tuesday, August 30, 2005   
orizet     searching von wettberg wilmington del     looking for news from Nicholas and Teddy von wettberg.  
Monday, August 15, 2005   
Manfred Kaßler     Ottfried Graf von Finckenstein     Hallo, den Nachfahren von Ottfried Graf von Finckenstein. Ich suche Angaben zur Biografie und Nachlass. Graf von Finckenstein vollendete im Schriftstellerheim in Jena den großen Roman "Fünfkirchen". Wer hat Hinweise dazu? Danke.  
Monday, July 25, 2005   
w yokoyama     d t suzuki letters     Am a researcher studying the life of D T Suzuki. In July 1938, Suzuki had correspondence with Hermann Graf Keyserling. Am trying to locate this information. Possibly it will show that Keyserling had influence on Suzuki. / wsy 
Wednesday, June 22, 2005   
Familie Wirtz (ehemals Brassat)     Suche Foto vom Gut Endreschken     Guten Tag, anlässlich eines Treffen von Landsleuten aus dem Kirchspiel Rauterskirch haben wir erfahren, dass unsere Mutter als Kind auf dem Gräflichen Gut Endreschken gewohnt hat, weil ihr Vater dort beschäftigt war. Gibt es Fotos von diesem Gut? Vielen Dank für eine Information.  
Sunday, June 19, 2005   
E. Pieters     Louise Von Behr     Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, I'm looking for information on Baronesse (Marie) Louise von Behr, daughter of Eveline Wilhelmine Comtesse Keyserlingk. She was married to Karl Johan Peter, Graf von der Pahlen and had two sons: Paul Peter Adolf (Thüngen) von der Pahlen and Alexis (Sumarokov-Elston) von der Pahlen. She was born in 1880 and died in 1974. Maybe there are still relatives alive, or anyone who can give me some more information? You can contact me by e-mail (adress marked above).Thank you. 
Wednesday, June 1, 2005   
Alexej M. Schultz     Best Regards for V.Fedyschin     Best Regards for Victor FEDYUSCHIN from old friend Alexej Schultz, which there are a lot of years ago has advised him to leave Militarian-mechanical institute and to arrive on Historical faculty SPb university. In that time his new life began... Alexej M. Schultz, gegealogist, artist, museum-archive D.I.Mendeleev (SPbSU) free_sch@mail.ru  
Wednesday, May 25, 2005   
Syberberg H.J.     Eduard von Keyserling     suche Auskunft über letzte Meldungen zu E.V. Kgest.1928 in München. Wo blieb sein Nachlass, wo wohnte er(Strasse), wann starben seine Schwestern in München in gl. Wohnung? Bilder? 
Tuesday, May 3, 2005   
Isolde Schmidt     Biografie Matthias Jacob Schleiden     Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, für die o.g. Biografie suchte ich im Internet nach Lebensdaten von Alexander F. M. L. Graf Keyserling und dessen Tochter Helene, die ich dankenswerterweise auf Ihren WebSites fand. Da Graf Keyserling für M. J. Schleiden während seiner Tätigkeit als Professor an der Universität Dorpat (Tartu) eine wichtige Rolle spielte, würden wir gern ein Porträt von ihm in die Biografie aufnehmen. Das einzige Bild, das ich fand, stammt von Ihrer Internetseite. – Deshalb meine Anfrage, ob ich von Ihnen eine Genehmigung zur Veröffentlichung erhalten kann und zu welchen Konditionen? Natürlich würde ich dann eine (Bild-)Datei benötigen, die Druck-Anforderungen entspricht. Die Biografie des Botanikers M. J. Schleiden wird in diesem Jahr bei der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina erscheinen. Für eine positive Antwort wäre ich Ihnen sehr verbunden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Isolde Schmidt (Rostock, Alemania) 
Monday, April 11, 2005   
Bob     Martin Knoch     re Knoch March 7, 05. He refers to Adalbert K, father of Michaela in Canada and Christoph in Dresden 
Monday, April 4, 2005   
Carol H. Betti     Von Muenster family     desire info on von Muenster family tree---Louise von Muenster married Friederich W. Hesemeyer in Chicago, Illinois in 1880s, before moving to California. Are there von Muensters in Darmstadt or Westphalia today? The Hesemeyers were from Oldenburg, Oldenburg. 
Monday, April 4, 2005   
m.knoch     bücher des Grafen Herrmann Keyserling     Hallo ich habe unter der site http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/bbb/books10000.shtml KEYSERLING, GRAF HERMANN: - Der Leuchter. Weltanschauung und Lebensgestaltung. Jahrbuch der Schule der Weisheit. KEYSERLING, GRAF HERMANN (HG.): - Der Leuchter. Weltanschauung und Lebensgestaltung. Jahrbuch der Schulweisheit. KEYSERLING, GRAF HERMANN (HG.): - Der Leuchter. Weltanschauung und Lebensgestaltung. Jahrbuch der Schulweisheit Vierter Band. KEYSERLING, GRAF HERMANN: - Das Reisetagebuch eines Philosophen ; In 2 Bänden KEYSERLINGK , LINDE VON - Lao-tse : Jenseits des Nennbaren ; Sinnsprüche nach dem Tao Te King folgende bücher gefunden von Hermann Graf Keyserling Grüsse M.Knoch  
www.von-schaumberg.net Monday, March 14, 2005   
m. knoch     Just reading letters in archiv about a Graf von Keyeserlingk      Hi I`am living in Germany and research the history of the family von Schaumberg. Actually I ám reading letters from 1951 and found out that the Graf von Keyserlingk , who was married to 2 Sisters von Schaumberg after another had started a orphanage for childrens after world war II in south germany. Wich was financed with donations and had alot of problems in the beginning. greetings Martin Knoch 
www.von-schaumberg.net Monday, March 7, 2005   
L. Hobbs     von Wettberg family     I wanted to see any connection to my great, great grandfather Eduard Feltberg von Wettberg. 
Saturday, February 26, 2005   
linda cooper     knigge      I am a descendent of the noble Knigge family through one of the acknowledged, but illegitamate sons, I would like to correspond by email interested Knigge relation, like myself 
Thursday, February 24, 2005   
Manfred Meurer, Book Stage     Books by Graf Hermann Keyserling     Came across this website by coincidence. I can offer books by H. K. in English as well as in German: Zufällig stieß ich auf diese website und dachte, folgendes Angebot könnte auf Interesse stoßen: 1. H. K.: Das Gefüge der Welt. 2.Aufl. 1920, schwarzes Oln. mit Goldprägung, an Ober- und unterer Rückenkante angestoßen. C$ 25 2. Das Reisetagebuch eines Philosophen. 2 Bde. 7.Aufl.1923, mit Bildnis des Verfassers. Widmung auf Vorsatzblatt. Sehr gut. C$50 3. The Travel Diary of a Philosopher. 2 vols. 6th printing, 1926. v.g. C$ 55. For more detail please, e-mail. 
www.bookstage.com Thursday, February 24, 2005   
Sander Keyserlingk     Wadenstierna     Erik I tried to use your email @shell but it got bounced.Please email me directly to my email addres so we can chat. Cheers 
Tuesday, February 22, 2005   
Wadenstierna     Wadenstierna     Congratulations to a nice and interesting web page. However, I can see that the surname Wadenstierna is misspelled I refer to "Riddarhuset i Sverige and Finland" www.riddarhuset.se and www.riddarhuset.fi as the source. Kind regards, Erik Wadenstierna 
Tuesday, February 22, 2005   
Ed Maul     von der Ropp     Any info on?: Baroness Tatjana VON DER ROPP Baroness died1 2 Oct 1994 in Königsfeld Im Schwarzwald, Villingen, Baden. Tatjana married Gustav Karl WEIß, son of Wendelin (Jan) WEIß and Marie SCHILLING, on 15 Jun 1947 in Königsfeld Im Schwarzwald, Villingen, Baden. Gustav was born 1919. He died 1970.  
Sunday, December 26, 2004   
wycliffe     Looking for family group photoes     Good work done by the web master (sander) 
Thursday, December 23, 2004   
judy Herner-Rauch     genealogy/VonAhen     looking for family members or information on the family of John and Mary VonAhnen. they came to the US about 1900.they would be my great grand parents so any information would be wonderful. thank you very much. Judy Rauch 
Wednesday, December 1, 2004   
Benjamin Schmidt     Nachlass der Gräfin Johanna Keyserlingk     Hallo! Ich bin auf der Suche nach weiteren unveröffentlichten Aufzeichnungen der Johanna (von Skene) Gräfin Keyserlingk (geboren 1879, Breslau. Daher meine Frage, ob jemand weiß, wo sich ihr Nachlass befindet? Mit freundlichem Gruß, Benjamin Schmidt 
http://www.hermetika-aorim.de Wednesday, October 6, 2004   
Erich Hahn     thanks     For Sander Keyserllingk, Hello, Sander thank you for this splendid site. In an hour, we are driving from London ON to Stratford, where we will have a picnic and see a matinee with James Pierlot, Gabriela Hahn/Brousseau, and Edward Popp. To show them how they are related, I have printed out the 'Relationship Finder' page. All the best Erich 
Sunday, September 12, 2004   
mugu     i dey brother     i dey brother 
Tuesday, August 31, 2004   
Agita Grasmane     Gruesse aus dem heutigen Kabillen Lettland     Gestatten Sie,dass ich herzliche Gruesse aus Kabillen/Lettland Ihnen hiermit uebersende.Per Zufall habe ich beim Google den Namen Kabillen reingegeben.Da im Leben aber nur das passiert,was geschehen muss,denke ich,es koennte fuer Sie interessant sein,wie es in Kabillen heute aussieht,was dort passiert.Mit Kabillen ist ja Ihre Familiengeschichte eng verbunden. Seit 2000 ist der groesste Teil der Haeuser ( ausser dem Herrenhaus) mein Privateigentum.Wir haben inzwischen das Notwendigste gemacht,damit die Haeuser nicht zerfallen,erstmal alle Daecher gewechselt,den Park gereinigt etc.Jetzt steht uns die grosse Renovierung der Haeuser vor.Wir wollen in Kabillen ein Seminar/Veranstaltungszentrum mit Hotel einrichten.Die Gegend ist wunderschoen,ruhig,weg von grossen Strassen,wunderbar zum Erholen. Zu meinen Plaenen gehoert auch die Erforschung der Geschichte von Kabillen.Bestimmt wuerden Ihre Informationen mit Hinweisen auf Ihnen bekannte Quellen sehr hilsreich fuer uns.Wenn gewuenscht,schicke ich Ihnen sehr gerne auch Fotos. Mit besten Gruessen, Agita Grasmane  
Wednesday, August 25, 2004   
Rosemary Arnott (Barnwell)     Rueddiger von Fritsch-Seerhausen     I met Rueddiger in Afghanistan in 1974 when my then husband was in hospital. He later stayed with us in New Zealand and we visited him in Germany. My new husband and I are visiting Germany in September and would like to make contact. Can anyone help us with a contact address? 
Thursday, August 19, 2004   
Holly Flaherty     Great site!      Just having a look around this website, it's great! I am Curt von Keyserlingk's girlfriend(1987) and i was just having a look to find out a bit more about his heritage! Great website! Keep it up! 
Thursday, August 12, 2004   
Chad Grover     Saskia von Knigge     I met the most beautiful person and fell madly in love. Unfortunately, due to circumstances in my life I could not let her know this. She is an angel that flew too close to the ground. She made me strong again...Thank You  
Tuesday, August 10, 2004   
HOLLMANN, Bernd     Yr website is fantastic!     We are glad to study this tremendous work which is helping a lot of us to find their way through the family! Herzliche Grüße an Bob Keyserlingk 
Saturday, August 7, 2004   
Alexander Wolf     hentschel von gilgenheim     looking for TOSKA ELISABETTA HENTSCHEL VON GLIGENHEIM, if you have some info about her and her family please send me 
Friday, August 6, 2004   
martin Ehrhardt     Bibliographical study     Hallo! Kein Kommentar! Ich besitze ein Buch aus dem Jahre 1628. Vorne ist Keyserling, Malgutze(hier folgt noch mindestens ein Buchstage, z.B. r, n, m, u oder ähnliches) hineingestempelt. Vielleicht ein Kurländischer Ortsname? Sagt das der Familie Keyserling was? Wäre dankbar für eine Antwort, damit mein zerquälendes Forschen ein Ende hat. MfG Martin Ehrhardt 
Wednesday, August 4, 2004   
Valerie (von Vange) Karvoski     Taxis family     You may be interested in taking a look at my TAXIS / von TAXIS web pages. 
http://www.angelfire.com/va/ValsGenealogyPage/taxis.html Saturday, July 31, 2004   
Nike Baas     Von Vegesack     My friend Antoinette Smit is a descendant of the family von Vegesack, living in Poikern (now Astere) in Latvia untill plusminus 1920. Her mother, Agnes Luise, and her grandparents (Ernst and Cara born von Transehe) fled to Germany. In the beginning of the thirties her mother went to The Netherland and married the father of Antoinette. Antoinette and me have visitid Astere a week ago and we have seen where her family has lived. However Antoinette has only very little information about the circumstances under which her family has lived in the days when her mother was a child. She knows that her mother had an elder brother (Karl) living in Germany and that he has children, but she has never had contact with her uncle, aunt, nephews and nieces. Because Antoinette has no e-mail, I contact you to ask if you have more information about the family von Vegasack in Poikern yourself or if you know perhaps the (e-nmail)addresses of soms descendants or other sources to get more information. Information in the German language is very wellcome too. You would help us a lot if you would be so kind to give any information you have. Thanking you beforehand, Yours sincerely, Nike Baas N.J. Baas J. v. Oldenbarneveltlaan 29-G 2582 NH Den Haag The Netherlands e-mail: nbaas@wanadoo.nl  
Monday, July 19, 2004   
Karl Friedrich Sponholz     Familienverband Sponholz     bin zufällig auf Ihre Website gestoßen und habe auch unseren Namen gefunden. Ich werde unserem Familienforscher Lutz Sponholz auf Ihre Website aufmerksam machen. Übrigens toller Internet auftritt, gefällt mir.  
www.sponholz.org Wednesday, July 7, 2004   
Eucharius-Maria Grocholl     Ort und Name     Liebe Vielleicht-Verwandte, mein Vater, Siegfried Johannes Grocholl, der aus Breslau stammte und 1995 verstorben ist, erzählte öfters von Familie Keyserlingk, ohne dass ich heute noch die Zusammenhänge wüsste. Vielleicht können Sie mir weiter helfen? 
Tuesday, June 22, 2004   
Hubertus Thylmann     Nachwuchs     meine kinder haben bei einer websuche diese seite gefunden, und da wollten wir mitteilen dass seit dem 31/06/2003 Salvador Thylmann-Foster hinzugekommen ist. MfG Hubertus Thylmann, Sohn von Linde v.Keyserlingk 
Tuesday, June 22, 2004   
Kenneth Mueller     general interest     Friend of Alex and Bea on the Universe Explorer Sp 04. I will check to see if we have some common ancestors. 
Saturday, June 19, 2004   
Ulrich Hollmann     improvements     Dear Robert, my daughter Astrid send me a sms saying : Just enter your name in Google and you will be surprised and I am. My compliments - this is really professionell and very interesting for all members of our family. I very much regret the distance and will never forget my stay with your family 35 years ago in Washington. Every member of the family is invited to do the same in Germany. I would be glad to welcome every member of the family in Lüneburg. Best wishes from old Europe yous sincerely Ulrich 
Tuesday, June 15, 2004   
Saturday, June 12, 2004   
Peter Croft     Alex von Ungern Sternberg     Noted John Nuttall's comments. My wife and I are desperate to track down Alex and his ex-wife Lindy as we knew them both well at Oxford and after and my wife is godmother to Antje their eldest daughter. 
none Wednesday, June 2, 2004   
Leo v. Stieglitz     Gratulation     Gratuliere zur interessanten Seite, Was machen wohl die Ellwanger Keyserlingks ? Viele Grüße 
Sunday, May 16, 2004   
bill hlland     looking for birth mother     all i know is my given name at birth was john von ahnen.real mother was about 16 years old.gave birth to me at the columbus ga medical center.i dont think she wanted to give me up.talked to the judge in russell county phenix city al .he said he had her name and where she lived when i was born.but said it was sealed and would not help me.he just said i would keep running into a brick wall.i dont know if there was heart problems in my family.but i have and my daughter both have heart troubles.on my baby braclet it had b.l.vonahnen.i really need help.thanks and god bless 
Sunday, May 16, 2004   
Edwin Arnowitz     Rücker Generalkarte der russischen Ostseeprovinzen     Können Sie mir bitte helfen. Gibt es eine webseite für diese Karte ? Bin auf Ahnensuche und kann nirgens Dörpers-Memelhof (9D) oder Klein-Sonnaxt (9F), Kriwan Gesinde, finden. Meine mütterlichen Vorfahren stammen von da. Ich bin gebürtiger Rigenser. Vielen herzlichen Dank ! Edwin Arnowitz Windsor, Ontario Kanada 
Tuesday, May 11, 2004   
Schlie     sissy keyserling     do you have any reference of sissy von keyserlin 
Sunday, May 9, 2004   
Alexander Keyserlingk-Krebs (Dorsten/BRD)     Palme im Wappen     Wie kam die Palme in's Wappen? Kennt jemand von Euche einen erklärenden Web-Link oder hat sonst hierzu Informationen? Danke! 
Sunday, April 18, 2004   
Joan Fridrich v. Bordelius     Verwandtschaftssuche     Auf der Suche nach Daten von Töchternachkommen meiner Ahnen stieß ich auf Ihre sehr beindruckende Web-Site. Bin natürlich auch fündig geworden. Sollten Sie Interesse an Daten von Töchternachkommen Ihrer Ahnin Louise Fredrieke die einen Hermann Bordehl von Bordelius heiratete, würde ich mich gerne mit ihnen austauschen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen  
Saturday, April 10, 2004   
Tatiana Victoria Pahlen     no relation     Mainly curiousity brought me to your site. What a lovely surprise! 
www.tatianyc.com Friday, April 9, 2004   
helmut     Trip to Estonia     hi Sander, unfortunatly I had no time to join the trip to Estonia, and I am sooo sorry about it.But I had an very important meeting in my Company, so i was forced to stay....But I hope to hear from you, how it was, and what you have seen there. I hope you made photos to post on this site. Yours Helmut 
Tuesday, November 18, 2003   
Zarah Rachel Penner     First visit     I thouroughly enjoyed the website; this is the first time I have viewed it (my grandfather used to tell me about this work). Is it possible myself to obtain access to my information? I'm not sure what information you currently have on my family, and may wish to provide an update. Thanks so much! 
Monday, October 6, 2003   
Manfred Geisler     Herr     Sorry, but in german. Ich komme aus Buedesheim, bei Frankfurt, in Deutschland. Ich bin Hobbyhistoriker und fand auf dem Friedhof einen sehr alten Grabstein, der von einem Ludwig Freiherr von Edelsheim gestiftet wurde. Können Sie mir sagen, wer dies war und welche Verbindungen er zu dem damals kleinen Ort hatte? Die Dame, der er den Grabstein stiftete starb im Jahre 1852 und wurde in Pforzheim geboren. Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen Mit freundlichen Grüßen Manfred Geisler  
Friday, September 12, 2003   
Sissy      Re Pictures of "Kathrin & bunch"     So much more to read off the site! Have enjoyed the SA trip and have somemore to go.Do I need the password to open the pictures. I saw a picture underneath each name.ie Kathrin & children's bio. Where those the ones you meant? Sorry I do not remember the password. Saw the excellent Labelle photos from GAby today. Marion and I wrote her right back. We miss her here. Just noted that this can be forwarded " to all visitors"? Hope not necessary. Love Sissy.  
Thursday, September 11, 2003   
Adel Nederland     Great website     Just wanted to tell you that you did a perfect job on your wesbite, I enjoyed visiting it! 
http://www.adelnl.tk Saturday, July 26, 2003   
Barbara Recke Whitten Wain     Are we related?     My paternal Grandfather was William Recke, born in Latvia, immigrated to Roslindale Massachusetts USA around 1900. My father, Rudolph Fred Recke, was born in Boston MA in 1915.  
Wednesday, July 23, 2003   
Sander     Estland Tagung     Helmut Bis jetzt weisse ich, dass mein Bruder Bob, Alfred und sein Sohn, Andreas Rogal, meine Frau Brigitte und ich fuer diese Tagung nach Estland reisen werden. Es freut mich, dass Du auch kommst. Es waere gut wenn viele Keyserling(k)'s kommen wuerden. Sander 
Monday, July 21, 2003   
Eberhard v.Wartenberg     Seminar in Tartu     Hallo Sander,Barbara hat auch Interesse, teilzunehmen.Was müssten wir unternehmen? Beim GoetheInstitut in Tallin anmelden? Wie habt Ihr das organisiert? Auf alle Fälle- Zeitaufwand!- doch nur fliegen!? Gruss! Eberhard 
Thursday, July 17, 2003   
Eberhard v.Wartenberg     login code     Hallo Sander, nach 1 Jahr Pause aus bekannten Gründen und vor Allem Absturz meines PC mit Verlust u.a. aller e-mail Adressen sehe ich keine andere Chance, als auf diesem Wege wieder mit Dir Kontakt aufzunehmen. Denn -sehr gut!- auch meinem dringendem Wunsch folgend sind ja nun unsere Privatdaten versteckt worden. Teile mir also bitte privat noch einmal den Code mit! Herzliche Grüsse! Eberhard 
Thursday, July 17, 2003   
Helmut     Tagung     Hallo! wer von all den Keyserling(k)s kommt denn mit nach Estland zur Keyserling-Tagung? Es wäre ja sinnvoll wenn wir uns vorher absprechen, z.B. wegen Fahrgemeinschaften. Habe vom Goethe-Institut zwar noch keine Rückmeldung, möchte aber auf jeden Fall mit.Also bis dann, Helmut (Berlin) 
Friday, July 4, 2003   
Andre Vietinghoff     your email, this website     Hello, just checking out your website after receiving an email from you. Quite nice. I will put it on the links page for the time being. 
www.cbias.ca Saturday, May 24, 2003   
Hans v. Nolde     WebSite     Highly interesting and very thorough 
Sunday, May 11, 2003   
Konrad-Udo Baron v. Vietinghoff-Scheel     Verwandtschaftssucher     Von der professionellen Darstellung bin ich tief beeindruckt. Meinen Glückwunsch dazu, verbunden mit der Bitte, bei der Verwandschaftssucher-Funktion die Suche nach dem Familiennamen und nicht nach dem Vornamen zu ermöglichen.  
www.vietinghoff.net Friday, February 28, 2003   
helmut keyserling     former keyserling estates     http://www.mois.ee/har/raikkyla.htm 
Thursday, February 13, 2003   
Gerhard von Rönn     Chronik der Keyserlingk-Familie     Lieber Graf Keyserlingk,zu Ihrer Chronik möchte ich heute meinen Glückwunsch senden. Nur wenige Familien können ihre Vorväter über 23 Generationen vorweisen. In Deutschland finden sich die ersten Archiv-Dukomente ab etwa 1300, offizielle Daten seit dem 30jährigen Krieg (ab1650). Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Anerkennung und Dank ihrer Familie. Herzlichst Ihr Gerhard von Rönn 
Tuesday, January 28, 2003   
Jörg von Rönn     Your chronicle     It is very interesting to see our familyname in the row of your forefathers. I hope we stay in contact. I also found the links to our chronicle. Really good work. 
www.v-roenn.de Tuesday, January 28, 2003   
Dieter Handorf     Verwandtscaft     Meine Großmutter war Gisa (v.) Keyserling. Deren Vater hatte eine v. Natzmer geheiratet. Gisas Bruder hieß Louis; dieser hatte Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts einige Papiere ( Briefe, ein Krioegsgerichtsurteil, Stammbaum etc.) derer v. Keyserling und v. Natzmer zusammengetragen, die sich noch heute bei mir befinden; ebenso existiert ein Siegelring mit einem hellblauen Saphir mit der Palme und der Grafenkrone eingeschliffen. Dieser stammt aus dem Besitz von Louis, seinen weiteren Weg zurück weiß ich nicht.Louis und Gisa haben in Hamburg gelebt; Louis starb ohne Nachkommen, Gisa Heiratete Max Gosau, meinen Großvater, sie hatten vier Kinder, die einzige Tochter war meine Mutter. Gisa und Louis wurden in Natzmershof(dorf) geboren; giosa soll als Weise (wieso?)im Kreis des preußischen Hofs erzogen worden sein. Kann und mag mir jemand helfen mich und meine Vorfahren einzuordnen und die Sichtung der Papiere zu erleichtern - alte Schriften sind ausgesprochen gewöhnungsbedürftig - ? Viele Grüße Dieter Hahndorf Lübeck 
Saturday, October 26, 2002   
Philipp Hahn     First visit     First visit to your site. I plan to look through it in at leisure at another time. On an entirely different subject: Matilde and I attended the Ritterschafts-verbandstag in Bad Homburg 19-20 Oct. I was impressed by the competence with which the meetings were run, the substantive issues dealt with, the virtually absence of tiresome interventions (apparently better than normally), and especially the calibre of the outgoing and incoming Jugendsprecher. Impressive achievements last year were reported. There was the usual appeal for new members, which I take the liberty of passing on to whom it may concern. 
Friday, October 25, 2002   
bent jensen     alina olsoufieff     I worked with her at Polysar 1961-1962. where is she now? 
Friday, September 27, 2002   
Alexandra Olsufiev (Paris, France)     Alina Olsoufieff     Hello, I discovered on your website someone with the same family name as myself. As we are not very numerous I'm very curious to know how she is. And I'd love to get into contact with her. Do someone know how I can do that ? Thanks !!! 
Saturday, August 3, 2002   
Patrick von Keyserling     Family history stories     The stories are fascinating. I especially enjoyed "Henry the Whaler." Will there be more stories posted and have you considered listing books (family and others) authored by Keyserlings? Thanks for taking on the enormous task of building and maintaining this website! 
Thursday, July 25, 2002   
Andreas Rogal     Familientag Dresden     What a wonderful party that was! BIG thanks once again to the lovely, the indefatiguable, the marvellous: Bettina & Alfred!! 
Tuesday, May 28, 2002   
Eberhard v.Wartenberg     Bigger fotos     Sander,I followed yr advice enlarging the fotos of our sons. But, now again they are not upright.You kindly should "straighten" them again if you still have time before the departure to Germany.Any way,we wish all of you,who come across the "grossen Teich" a very good flight and save arrival.See you in DD Eberhard 
Monday, May 20, 2002   
Eberhard v.Wartenberg     Fotos attached     Once again early morning 1:30! However,we managed to add reproductions out of our books to our grand uncles Carl Alfred and Heinrich and Barbara`s grandparents.  
Thursday, May 16, 2002   
Eberhard v.Wartenberg     Personal card     I found again access by clicking the mouse at the right site"Oeffnen unter neuem Fenster"(open under new window ) 
Thursday, May 16, 2002   
Eberhard v.Wartenberg     No access to personal cards     Sander,first of all I am pleased to learn that you and the Indian friends did not loose humor about the many comments,I made! For pure exercise I managed scanning in photos.Very poor quality!I hope that the CD-Rom photos will be better! But somehow I made a mistake while editing:I can look up photos,but not any more the p.c.?? None of all of them!! 
Thursday, May 16, 2002   
Kevin T. von Keyserling     What a tremendous piece of work!     I had an opportunity to log on to the web site this evening. I am super impressed -- what a tremendous piece of work. The family tree and relationship finder are absolutely astounding. I played on it for several hours. I've always been curious to know how I was related to other members of the Keyserling clan. I also took a moment to update the bio's for my immediate family. I will strongly suggest that my siblings & parents visit the site and update their bio's. I made this website as my home page. 
Wednesday, May 8, 2002   
Helmut     photo of rechsgraf Carl K.     http://www.people.or.jp/~imyfujita/keyserle.html 
Tuesday, April 23, 2002   
Wycliffe Jimmy Sebulime     What a large family!     Hi friends and relatives, I am glad to having known more about this great family. There are a few people who can in details manage to give an account of their families like the way you did. You realy did a great job. Special thanks to thw webmaster DAD NICO KEYSERLINGK. hoping to hear from you soon. bye 
Monday, April 22, 2002   
Helmut     schoene seite     Eine sehr interessante seite. vielen dank! Helmut 
Sunday, April 21, 2002   
Bettina     website     Sander, Nice that there is a guest book too, but I miss the guestbookpages to look, whatpeople have written inthe guestbook( like in website www.keyserling.de password:ichbin heuteda have a look an this! Another question: what mean the numbers under the Keyserlingk-generations:Total strength 687, married 575,DIED 101?? Bettina 
Sunday, April 21, 2002   
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.