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    Family tree starts in: 1226  |  Total Family members: 5456 English  Deutsch  
MONIQUE AIRD (Alexander Nicolai Sander ) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK's family WIFE of :ALEXander SANDER Nicolai Henry Oleg Robert (Brigitte Nabroth/Monique Aird) Graf Keyserlingk
Nicolas NICO Alexander Robert Oskar Henry (Ruth Taylor/Milena Popova) Graf Keyserlingk (Koblenz, Germany - 1963 ) SON of MONIQUE AIRD (Alexander Nicolai Sander ) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
RUTH (Nico Nicolas Alexander Robert Graf Keyserlingk) TAYLOR   Wife of Nicolas NICO Alexander Robert Oskar Henry (Ruth Taylor/Milena Popova) Graf KeyserlingkAscendant / Descendant
MILENA (Nico Nicolas Alexander Robert Graf Keyserlingk) POPOVA  Wife of Nicolas NICO Alexander Robert Oskar Henry (Ruth Taylor/Milena Popova) Graf KeyserlingkAscendant / Descendant
Gabrielle Maria Brigitte Cecile Comtesse Keyserlingk (Richard Wayne) Perkins (Montreal, Canada - 1966 ) DAUGHTER of MONIQUE AIRD (Alexander Nicolai Sander ) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
RICHARD WAYNE (Gabrielle Maria Comtesse Keyserlingk) PERKINS  Husband of Gabrielle Maria Brigitte Cecile Comtesse Keyserlingk (Richard Wayne) PerkinsAscendant / Descendant
Tanya Elena Brigitte Helga Comtesse Keyserlingk (Scott) Wilson (Valencia, Venezuela - 1969 ) DAUGHTER of MONIQUE AIRD (Alexander Nicolai Sander ) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
SCOTT RICHARD (Tanya Elena Brigitte Maria Comtesse Keyserlingk) WILSON  Husband of Tanya Elena Brigitte Helga Comtesse Keyserlingk (Scott) WilsonAscendant / Descendant
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.