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Franz Friedrich Gotthard (Frederiecke Frick) Baron Keyserlingk's family Siblings : Marie Louise Julie Theresia Baronesse Keyserlingk (Christian Ewald) Baronin von Kleist, Franziska Agnese Philippine Anna Baronesse Keyserlingk (84) (Ernst Friedrich Ewald 49) Baronin Keyserlingk, Charlotte Agnes Baronesse Keyserlingk (Otto Heinrich) Baronin von Stromberg
Wilhelm Johann Franz (Katharina Bordehl von Bordelius) Baron Keyserlingk (Rastenburg - 1797 ) SON of Franz Friedrich Gotthard (Frederiecke Frick) Baron Keyserlingk Ascendant / Descendant
KATHARINA BORDEHL VON BORDELIUS (Wilhelm Johann) BARONIN KEYSERLINGK  Wife of Wilhelm Johann Franz (Katharina Bordehl von Bordelius) Baron KeyserlingkAscendant / Descendant
Jeanette Auguste Baronesse Keyserlingk  ( 1799 ) DAUGHTER of Franz Friedrich Gotthard (Frederiecke Frick) Baron Keyserlingk Ascendant / Descendant
Laura Charlotte Baronin Keyserlingk  ( 1801 ) DAUGHTER of Franz Friedrich Gotthard (Frederiecke Frick) Baron Keyserlingk Ascendant / Descendant
Louise Frederieke Eleonore Baronesse Keyserlingk (Hermann) Bordehl von Bordelius (Funkenhof - 1803 ) DAUGHTER of Franz Friedrich Gotthard (Frederiecke Frick) Baron Keyserlingk Ascendant / Descendant
HERMANN (Louise Frederiecke Eleonore Baronesse Keyserlingk) BORDEHL VON BORDELIUS  Husband of Louise Frederieke Eleonore Baronesse Keyserlingk (Hermann) Bordehl von BordeliusAscendant / Descendant
Nanny Elisabeth Bonesse Keyserlingk   ( 1804 ) DAUGHTER of Franz Friedrich Gotthard (Frederiecke Frick) Baron Keyserlingk Ascendant / Descendant
Julie Dorothee Baronesse Keyserlingk  ( 1805 ) DAUGHTER of Franz Friedrich Gotthard (Frederiecke Frick) Baron Keyserlingk Ascendant / Descendant
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.