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DOROTHEA HILDEGARD KRAUSE (Alexander Aki Hugo) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK's family WIFE of :Alexander (Aki) Hugo Eduard (Dorothea Olga Baronesse von Behr/Dorothea Hildegard Krause) Graf Keyserlingk
Isabella ISA Comtesse Keyserlingk (Karl Eckstein/Svetozar Kovacevic/Douglas Parry/George) Bryant (Wesenberg (heute: Rakvere) - 1927 ) DAUGHTER of DOROTHEA HILDEGARD KRAUSE (Alexander Aki Hugo) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
KARL (Isabella Comtesse Keyserlingk) ECKSTEIN SR.  Husband of Isabella ISA Comtesse Keyserlingk (Karl Eckstein/Svetozar Kovacevic/Douglas Parry/George) BryantAscendant / Descendant
SVETOZAR (Isabella Comtesse Keyserlingk) KOVACEVIC  Husband of Isabella ISA Comtesse Keyserlingk (Karl Eckstein/Svetozar Kovacevic/Douglas Parry/George) BryantAscendant / Descendant
DOUGLAS (Isabella Comtesse Keyserlingk) PARRY  Husband of Isabella ISA Comtesse Keyserlingk (Karl Eckstein/Svetozar Kovacevic/Douglas Parry/George) BryantAscendant / Descendant
GEORG (Isabella Comtesse Keyserlingk) BRYANT  Husband of Isabella ISA Comtesse Keyserlingk (Karl Eckstein/Svetozar Kovacevic/Douglas Parry/George) BryantAscendant / Descendant
Ines Katharina Comtesse Keyserlingk (Ruil, Estonia - 1932 ) DAUGHTER of DOROTHEA HILDEGARD KRAUSE (Alexander Aki Hugo) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
Dagmar Comtesse Keyserlingk (Wesenberg, Germany - 1934 ) DAUGHTER of DOROTHEA HILDEGARD KRAUSE (Alexander Aki Hugo) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
Astrid Comtesse Keyserlingk (Max) Fock (Rostau - 1940 ) DAUGHTER of DOROTHEA HILDEGARD KRAUSE (Alexander Aki Hugo) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
MAX GEORG FOCK  Husband of Astrid Comtesse Keyserlingk (Max) FockAscendant / Descendant
Alfred Alexander (Bettina Jahn) THE JUDGE Graf Keyserlingk (Luederitz - 1943 ) SON of DOROTHEA HILDEGARD KRAUSE (Alexander Aki Hugo) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
BETTINA KATHERINE JAHN (Alfred, the judge) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK  Wife of Alfred Alexander (Bettina Jahn) THE JUDGE Graf KeyserlingkAscendant / Descendant
Eva Maria Comtesse Keyserlingk (Peter) Waltner (Schönwalde - 1946 ) DAUGHTER of DOROTHEA HILDEGARD KRAUSE (Alexander Aki Hugo) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
PETER (Eva Maria Comtesse Keyserlingk) WALTNER  Husband of Eva Maria Comtesse Keyserlingk (Peter) WaltnerAscendant / Descendant
News & Updates
Nicolas Turcot marries Maddy Bell
By | 9/5/2024
Nicolas, the son of Andrea Keyserlingk and grandson of Michaela Keyserlingk married Madison Bell in Montreal on August 31, 2024. Maddy is a teacher in Montreal.  Nicolas and Maddy left in their R...................
Veronica Turcot gives birth to a son.
By | 7/20/2024
Veronica Turcot, daughter of Andrea Keyserlingk, and Veronicas spouse Pierre Luc Murray-Decarie are the proud parents of their first son, Theo Henri Michel Decarie. He was born in Gatineau, Quebec on ...................
Keyserlingk.info website about to reach 30 million hits.
By | 7/19/2024
If you look at the bottom right of the home page of family website, Keyserlingk.info, you will see the small counter. It is about to hit 30 million. I have no idea of how many are individual visitors ...................
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.