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Ines Katharina Comtesse Keyserlingk's family Siblings : Isabella ISA Comtesse Keyserlingk (Karl Eckstein/Svetozar Kovacevic/Douglas Parry/George) Bryant, Dagmar Comtesse Keyserlingk, Astrid Comtesse Keyserlingk (Max) Fock, Alfred Alexander (Bettina Jahn) THE JUDGE Graf Keyserlingk, Eva Maria Comtesse Keyserlingk (Peter) Waltner
No Descendants Found for Ines Katharina Comtesse Keyserlingk  who is a DAUGHTER of  Alexander (Aki) Hugo Eduard (Dorothea Olga Baronesse von Behr/Dorothea Hildegard Krause) Graf Keyserlingk
News & Updates
Kristin von Hahn passed away December 21,2024.
By | 1/24/2025
Her family reported:Kristin Margarethe von Hahn died on December 21. Kristin will be missed by friends and family in the US, Canada, Germany and beyond. We will be holding a celebration of her ...................
Elisabeth von Keyserling, daughter of Michael von Keyserling (Son of Peter and Gayle, married.
By | 10/14/2024
Elisabeth and Stephen were married on October 12, 2024 in her fathers (Michael) new parish church in Altmore, Alabama. ...................
Nicolas Turcot marries Maddy Bell
By | 9/5/2024
Nicolas, the son of Andrea Keyserlingk and grandson of Michaela Keyserlingk married Madison Bell in Montreal on August 31, 2024. Maddy is a teacher in Montreal.  Nicolas and Maddy left in their R...................
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.