HELP: If you wish to edit this card, you first need to login to the system. For login click on login button on the home page and enter the Login ID and Password, then click on the Edit Information line at the top of the Personal Card. This will open an edit sheet where you can make changes. The section called Short Description is available for you to provide information to other family members about you. It is not limited to the lines shown so feel free to put as in as much information as you wish. You can also attach a picture of yourself. For this you need to have the picture in digital form on your computer.Note the file where the picture is. You then click the browse button on the edit sheet, find the file with your picture on your computer, click the open button on your computer which shows up when you click on the picture file. The picture will then be copied into the site when you complete your editing. You will note that there is little information in the personal cards of many of our Ancestors. If you have details on these persons, please put in what you know about them.

After completing the changes, click on the Update button at the bottom of the edit sheet. Click on Close Window which then appears. Close the personal Card. Click on the person's name once again and the personal card will now reflect your changes. Changes can be made at any time.

If you wish to add a book about or by this person, click on Input Bibliography at the bottom of the personal card. If you wish to add a book about Keyserlingk's written by an other person, go to the Bibliography page and click on the Add New button. Make sure that you click on the Visible front end and Approved buttons before hitting the update button .